======ISO file extracting and new ISO generation====== ISO files are basically DVD images; the GameCube, in fact, uses Mini-DVDs, with work the same as normal DVDs (exept they are smaller). For this tutorial, some files may be needed, [[https://mega.nz/#!lk8HzZBC!wIKTzFtMnXPQbFx9pd77ViylSbzJ6VO3i8E_9xD6U5Q|GCTool and GCRebuild]]. ====File extracting==== To extract files from GCN ISOs, you must open GCTool as admin, and open up your Paper Mario TTYD ROM, after doing so, it should look like this: {{ paper_mario_the_thousand_year_door:capture.png?nolink&1000 |}} Now create a new folder somewhere, and on GCTool, go to ISO>Extract whole ISO. Now select extract also Header and AppLoader, press Choose DIR, select your newly created folder and Extract. This might take 5 minutes. You are now ready to follow any tutorial where a not ISO ROM is needed. If the instructions wern't clear enough, here is a GIF to show you what to do: {{ paper_mario_the_thousand_year_door:ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif?nolink |}} ====New ISO generation==== This part is easy, just open GCRebuilder, open the root folder where your modified rom is, go to save and then rebuild. Here's the GIF on how to do it: {{ paper_mario_the_thousand_year_door:ezgif.com-video-to-gif_1_.gif?nolink |}}