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Behavior Commands

The behavior layout commands define how the objects and Mario are initialized and interact. Like the geometry_layout_commands, the behavior commands start with a type byte and have no length byte.

Behavior Commands

00: Start

Marks start of behavior. If haunted chair (4FD4) or mad piano (5024), it calls BehCommonInit (802A4120). If it is message panel (32E0), it sets 0x194 to 0x43160000 (150.0).

00 [TT] [AA AA]

T Type of object. Used to determine which linked list placed in.
A Might be a bit-field, but Behavior00 ignores them

Length: 4

01: State Loop

Used by some small effects. if A > current 0x1F4, adds 1 to 0x1F4 of object, otherwise sets to 0. It loops obj→0x1F4 from 0 up to A - 1 and then back to 0.

01 00 [AA AA]

A obj→0x1F4 = (A >= obj→0x1F4) ? obj→0x1F4 + 1 : 0

Length: 4

Jumps into another behavior and changes obj→0x1D0.

02 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A Segmented address of behavior to jump to

Length: 8

03: Return?

Writes something to 0x1D0. jumps into behavior at object→0x1d4.

03 00 00 00

Length: 4

04: Jump

Jumps into another behavior.

04 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A Segmented address of behavior to jump to

Length: 8

05: Loop N

Loop specified amount of times.

05 00 [AA AA]

A Number of times to loop

Length: 4

06: End Loop N

End 0x05 loop.

06 00 00 00

Length: 4

07: Infinite Loop

Jumps back 4 bytes (usually results in infinite loop).

07 00 00 00

Length: 4

08: Loop Start

Loop start.

08 00 00 00

Length: 4

09: Loop End

End of 08 loop. Behavior script normally ends with this, looping around ASM function (0x0C command).

09 00 00 00

Length: 4

0A: No Op

No operation.

0A 00 00 00

Length: 4

0B: Unused

No operation. Unused.

0C: Call Function

Calls ASM function. Usually used to call object init routine or looping routine between 0x08/0x09 commands.

0C 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A ASM routine to call

Length: 8

0D: Update Object

Used to offset X, Y, or Z position a bit. It's useless except for Dorrie.

0D [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B float
obj→address += (float)B (special cases are 06, 07 and 08. 06 is X, 07 is Y, and 08 is Z-position)

Length: 4

0E: Sight Distance

Mostly used for sight distance, does nearly the same as 0x0D.

0E [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B float
obj→address = (float)B (special case is 45 for sight distance)

Length: 4

0F: Texture Animate

Mostly used as texture animation rate. Same as 0x0D, but without float.

0F [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
obj→address = B (special case is 1A for texture animation rate)

Length: 4

10: Special Parameter

Special Parameter.

10 [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
obj→address += B (special case is 2A for interaction or 2F for Bparam2 rate)

Length: 4

11: Bit-set

Sets bits designated by mask B at object offset A*4+88.

11 [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
obj→address |= B

Length: 4

12: Bit-clear

Clears bits designated by mask B at object offset A*4+88. This is not used by any of the behavior scripts.

12 [AA] [BB BB]

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
obj→address &= (B ^ 0xFFFF)

Length: 4

13: Add RNG

Used in dirt and arrow lift. Calls 80383BB0 (some RNG).

13 [AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] 00 00

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
C u16
obj→address = B + (80383BB0() » C)

Length: 8

14: Object Type?

Mostly used for object type and once for Y-speed.

14 [AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] 00 00

A Address = A*4+88
B float
C float
obj→address = (float)B * (float)C

Length: 8

15: Float Multiply

Floating point multiple with float return from 80383CB4(). Used only in bubbles.

15 [AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] 00 00

A Address = A*4+88
B float
C float
obj→address = B + 80383CB4() * C

Length: 8

16: Float Add

Floating point add with float return from 80383CB4(). Used only in water particles.

16 [AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] 00 00

A Address = A*4+88
B float
C float
obj→address = (float)B + 80383CB4() + (float)C

Length: 8

17: Right Shift

Right shift C with return from 80383BB0(). Unused.

17 [AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] 00 00

A Address = A*4+88
B u16
C u16
obj→address = B + 80383BB0() » C

Length: 8

18: No Operation

Does nothing. Unused.

18 ?? ?? ??

Length: 4

19: No Operation

Does nothing. Unused.

19 ?? ?? ??

Length: 4

1A: No Operation

Does nothing. Unused.

1A ?? ?? ??

Length: 4

1B: Change Model ID

Changes the model ID of current behavior. Used by Mr. I, Bowser flame spawn, and floating wood bridge.

1B 00 [II II]

I model ID

Length: 4

1C: Load Child Object

Load child object and save child object pointer to 0x6C (automatically follows?).

1C 00 00 00 [II II II II] [AA AA AA AA]

I model ID
A segmented address of child object behavior

Length: C

1D: Deactivate

Deactivates object. obj→active (0x74) = 0

1D 00 00 00

Length: 4

1E: Drop to Ground?

Calls 80381794(). Drop to ground? and object→0xEC |= 0x2;

1E 00 00 00

Length: 4

1F: Used for Waves

Sums two floats at offsets B and C and stores in offset A. Used for waves and bubbles.

1F [AA] [BB] [CC]

A AddressA = A*4+88
B AddressB = B*4+88
C AddressC = C*4+88
obj→addressA = obj→addressB + obj→addressC

Length: 4

20: Unused

Sums two values at offsets B C and stores in offset A?

20 [AA] [BB] [CC]

A AddressA = A*4+88
B AddressB = B*4+88
C AddressC = C*4+88
obj→addressA = obj→addressB + obj→addressC

Length: 4

21: Set Billboarding

Sets billboarding flag (0x04) in graph flags.

21 00 00 00

Length: 4

22: Set 0x10 flag

Sets 0x10 in graph flags.

22 00 00 00

Length: 4

23: Collision sphere size

Define the collision sphere size.

23 00 00 00 [XZ XZ] [YY YY]

XZ X and Z sphere
Y Y sphere

Length: 8

24: Nothing

Does nothing. Unused.

24 [AA] [BB BB]

A Unused
B Unused

Length: 4

25: State Cycle

Increment obj→0x1F4 or cycle back to 0 when it reaches obj→AddressA. Only used in Bubble (Mario) behavior.

25 [AA] 00 00

A AddressA = A*4+88
if (obj->0x1F4 < obj->AddressA - 1) {
  obj->0x1F4 += 1;
} else {
  obj->0x1F4 = 0;

Length: 4

26: Loop?

Similar to behavior command 0x05, except parameter is only 1 byte. Unused.

26 [AA] 00 00

A Loops?

Length: 4

27: Set Word

Store word B at address A of object. Always used with A = 0x26 (addressA = 0x120) to set initial Animation with segmented address.

27 [AA] 00 00 [BB BB BB BB]

A AddressA = A*4+88
B value to store in AddressA
obj→addressA = B

Length: 8

28: Animates

Animates object by advancing Animation pointer (obj→0x120).

28 [AA] 00 00

A animation number (*4)
8037C658(obj, obj→0x120 + A*4)

Length: 4

29: Load Child Object

Load child object. Only used in Koopa flag and poundable.

29 00 [AA AA] [BB BB BB BB] [CC CC CC CC]

A Bparam for child object
B model ID
C Segmented address of behavior

Length: C

2A: Set Collision

Set collision data.

2A 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A Segmented address of collision pointer

Length: 8

2B: Set Collision Sphere

Set collision data.

2B 00 00 00 [AA AA] [BB BB] [CC CC]

A X/Z sphere as int
B Y sphere as int
C obj→0x208 = (float)C

Length: C

2C: Spawn Object

Spawns object. Same as 0x1C, but stores child obj pointer to parent→0x6C.

2C 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA] [BB BB BB BB] [CC CC]

A model ID
B Segmented address of behavior

Length: C

2D: Set Init Position

Declare initial position. Saves positions to 0x164, 0x168, and 0x16C. Used in Dorrie, Fly guys, etc. to determine in which range they can move.

2D 00 00 00

Length: 4

2E: Sight Distance

Uselessly long version of 0E?

2E 00 00 00 [AA AA] [BB BB]

A obj→0x200 = (float) A
B obj→0x204 = (float) B

Length: 8

2F: Set Interaction

Set interaction (obj→0x130). Same as 27 2A.

2F 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A Interaction (see table below)
Interaction Description
00000001 Mario can hang from it
00000002 Mario can pick it up
00000004 Door
00000008 Damages Mario (normal)
00000010 Coin
00000020 Nothing?
00000040 Pole
00000080 Damages Mario (can be punched, bounced on)
00000100 Damages Mario (can be punched)
00000200 Nothing (can be punched)
00000400 Blows Mario away
00000800 Warp door
00001000 Star
00002000 Warp hole
00004000 Cannon
00008000 Damages Mario (can be punched, bounced on)
00010000 Replenishes health
00020000 Bully
00040000 Flame
00080000 Koopa shell
00100000 Damages Mario (can be punched, bounced on)
00200000 Damages Mario
00400000 Damages Mario (can be punched and bounced on)
00800000 Message
01000000 Makes Mario spin
02000000 Makes Mario fall?
04000000 Damages Mario
08000000 Warp (Mario shrinks in)
10000000 Damages Mario
20000000 Electrocutes Mario
40000000 Normal

Length: 8

30: Set Gravity

Set gravity.

30 00 00 00 [AA AA] [BB BB] [CC CC] [DD DD] [EE EE] [FF FF] [GG GG] [HH HH]

A obj→0x128 = (float)A
B obj→0xE8 = (float)B/100
C obj→0x158 = (float)C/100
D obj→0x12C = (float)D/100
E obj→0x170 = (float)E/100
F obj→0x174 = (float)F/100
G Ignored
H Ignored

Length: 0x14

31: ??

Sets obj→0x190. Unused.

31 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A obj→0x190 = A

Length: 8

32: Scale Object

Scale object uniformly, sets X, Y, Z scaling to A as percent.

32 00 [AA AA]

A scale value (percent)

Length: 4

33: Child Object Change

Clear flags in address of child object.

33 [AA] 00 00 [BB BB BB BB]

A AddressA = A*4+88
B bit values to clear
obj→child(0x68)→addressA &= ~B

Length: 8

34: Texture Animate Rate

Clear flags in address of child object. Only used for texture animation rate (0x1A).

34 [AA] [BB BB]

A AddressA = A*4+0x88
B divide value at 0x8032d5d4 with this (see code below)
if ((*0x8032d5d4 / B) == 0) {
  addressA = A*4 + 0x88;
  obj->addressA += 1;
return 0;

Length: 4

35: Clear Graph Flag

Clears least significant bit of graph (obj→0x02 &= 0xFFFE).

35 00 00 00

Length: 4

36: Set Value

Store value B at address A. Unused.

36 [AA] 00 00 [BB BB] 00 00

A AddressA = A*4+0x88
B value (u16)
obj→addressA = (u32)value

Length: 8

37: Spawn Something

Spawns something. Only used in waves generator and surface waves.

37 00 00 00 [AA AA AA AA]

A Spawn function address

Length: 8

See Also
