Address | Function | Description |
80173C6C | PutString1 | |
80173D64 | PutString2 | |
80173FD4 | SaveMenu | |
80174324 | ClearFile | |
801743AC | SaveMenu2 | |
801746F8 | PutMessage | |
801749B0 | SaveMenu3 | |
80175238 | FileConfirmations | |
801755A8 | SaveMenu4 | |
801758A0 | SoundSelect | |
801764E0 | MenuSelect | |
80176FC4 | ShowSomeNum | |
80177710 | __main__ | |
801779DC | MakeMemBlock | |
80177BB8 | Free | |
801780B0 | MemStats | |
801785DC | Draw_shape | |
80178C5C | draw_material | |
80179120 | draw_face | |
801799AC | Draw_Camera | |
8017A010 | drawscene | |
8017A900 | Draw_group | |
8017B3DC | find_thisface_verts | |
8017B764 | UpdateView | |
8017C300 | make_object | |
8017DA04 | make_group | |
8017DC14 | addto_group | |
8017DE80 | show_details | |
80184828 | dMakeNetFromShape | |
80188738 | dSetWorldPos | |
80184BF8 | dMakeobj | |
80184EFC | dAttach | |
80184FC4 | dAttachTo | |
80185A18 | chk_shapegen | |
801861B0 | dSetNodeGroup | |
80186BFC | dUseObj | |
80186CDC | dEndGroup | |
80186E74 | dSetInitPos | |
8018710C | dSetVelocity | |
80187794 | dSetRelPos | |
80189240 | dSetScale | |
8018973C | dAddValPtr | |
8018A358 | dSetParmp | |
8018A590 | dSetType | |
8018A828 | dSetColNum | |
8018A9EC | dSetMaterial | |
8018B0FC | dSetMatrix | |
8018B210 | dSetRMatrix | |
8018B2E8 | dGetRMatrixPtr | |
8018B3A4 | dSetIMatrix | |
8018B4D4 | dGetMatrixPtr | |
8018B5E8 | dGetIMatrixPtr | |
8018B758 | dSetSkinWeight | |
8018B830 | get_objvalue | |
8018BC9C | set_objvalue | |
8018BE40 | adjust_gadget | |
8018CC54 | get_timernum | |
8018CEA0 | start_timer | |
8018CF70 | restart_timer | |
8018D1F8 | myPrint1 | |
8018D298 | myPrintf | |
8018D5F0 | imout | |
8018E16C | gd_fopen | |
8017E370 | gd_loadtexture | |
8019ABF8 | load_shapes2 | |
8019B0D0 | dumpDispList | |
8019B158 | nextDisplayList | |
8019B1E4 | nextLightList | |
8019B278 | nextMtxList | |
8019B304 | nextVtxList | |
8019B390 | nextVpList | |
8019B53C | printf | |
8019BB90 | gd_allocblock | |
8019BC88 | gd_malloc | |
8019C240 | setup_timers | |
8019C450 | gdm_init | |
8019C4EC | gdm_setup | |
8019C684 | gdm_maketestdl | |
8019C828 | gdm_unused | |
8019C9F8 | gdm_gettestdl | |
8019CD88 | gdm_getpos | |
8019CF44 | alloc_displaylist | |
8019D3B8 | InitRSP | |
8019D42C | InitRDP | |
8019E9F4 | gd_startdisplist | |
8019EB44 | gd_enddisplist | |
801A36B4 | gd_shading | |
801A371C | gd_getproperty | |
801A3788 | gd_setproperty | |
801A4468 | _InitControllers | |
801A45E0 | gd_gentexture | |
801A5538 | gd_init | |
801A6430 | PutSprite | |
801A676C | proc_dyn_list | |
80246000 | EntryPoint | |
802461FC | SetupMessageQueues | |
80246DF8 | Main | |
802462E0 | AllocPool | |
80246338 | CreateThread | |
802465EC | KickTask | |
80246648 | SendSPTaskDone | |
802469B8 | Thread3_Main | |
80246B74 | SendMessage | |
80246C10 | SendDisplayList | |
80246CF0 | Thread1_Idle | |
80246E70 | myRdpInit | |
802471A4 | myRspInit | |
80247284 | ClearZBuffer | |
802473C8 | DisplayFrameBuffer | |
802474B8 | ClearFrameBuffer | |
80247620 | DisplayInit | |
80247B3C | CreateTaskStructure | |
80247D14 | CleanupDisplayList | |
80248304 | XformPadValues | |
80248638 | DealWithPads | |
80248824 | InitController | |
80248AF0 | Thread5_Debug | |
80249500 | Thread4 | |
80252CF4 | SetMarioAction | |
8029AA3C | Geo0A_8029AA3C | |
80257198 | GeoSwitchCase80257198 | |
80277150 | GeoSwitchCase80277150 | |
802771BC | GeoSwitchCase802771BC | |
802774F4 | GeoSwitchCase802774F4 | |
802776D8 | GeoSwitchCase802776D8 | |
80277740 | GeoSwitchCase80277740 | |
8029DB48 | GeoSwitchCase8029DB48 | |
8029DBD4 | GeoSwitchCaseBlinking | |
802B7C64 | GeoSwitchCase802B7C64 | |
802BFBAC | GeoSwitchCase802BFBAC | |
80287D30 | Geo0F_80287D30 | |
8016F670 | Geo18_8016F670 | intro screen |
8016F984 | Geo18_8016F984 | intro screen |
8016FE70 | Geo18_8016FE70 | intro screen |
8016FFFC | Geo18_8016FFFC | intro screen |
80176688 | Geo18_80176688 | main menu |
80177518 | Geo18_80177518 | main menu |
802761D0 | Geo18_802761D0 | |
802764B0 | Geo18_802764B0 | intro screen |
802770A4 | Geo18_802770A4 | |
80277294 | Geo18_80277294 | |
802773A4 | Geo18_802773A4 | |
802775CC | Geo18_802775CC | |
80277824 | Geo18_80277824 | |
80277B14 | Geo18_80277B14 | inside castle |
80277D6C | Geo18_80277D6C | |
8029D890 | Geo18_8029D890 | |
8029D924 | Geo18_8029D924 | |
802A45E4 | Geo18_802A45E4 | |
802A719C | Geo18_802A719C | |
802B1BB0 | Geo18_802B1BB0 | |
802B798C | Geo18_802B798C | |
802B7D44 | Geo18_802B7D44 | |
802BA2B0 | Geo18_802BA2B0 | |
802CD1E8 | Geo18_802CD1E8 | possibly cannon related |
802D0080 | Geo18_802D0080 | |
802D01E0 | Geo18_802D01E0 | |
802D104C | Geo18_802D104C | |
802D1B70 | Geo18_802D1B70 | |
802D1CDC | Geo18_802D1CDC | SSL |
802D1E48 | Geo18_802D1E48 | TTC |
802D1FA8 | Geo18_802D1FA8 | SSL |
802D2108 | Geo18_802D2108 | SSL/TTC |
802D2360 | Geo18_802D2360 | inside castle |
802D2470 | Geo18_802D2470 | RR |
802D2520 | Geo18_802D2520 | RR |
802D28CC | Geo18_802D28CC | cake end |
802D5B98 | Geo18_802D5B98 | TTM/HMC/inside castle |
802D5D0C | Geo18_802D5D0C | TTM/HMC/inside castle |
8030D93C | Geo18_8030D93C | |
8030D9AC | Geo18_8030D9AC | |
802763D4 | Geo19_802763D4 | |
8027795C | Geo1C_8027795C | |
80277EE0 | SetSegmentBase | |
80277F20 | GetSegmentBase | |
80277F50 | SegmentedToVirtual | |
80277FA8 | MakePtr | |
80277FF0 | MovePtrTbl2Dmem | |
80278074 | InitMemPool | |
80278120 | _pool_alloc | |
80278238 | _pool_free | |
80278358 | _pool_realloc | |
802783C8 | PoolAvailable | |
802783E8 | PushPoolState | |
80278498 | PopPoolState | |
80278504 | DmaCopy | |
80278610 | DynamicCopy | |
8027868C | DynamicIndexCopy | |
802786F0 | FixedCopy | |
802787D8 | UncIndexCopy | |
80278974 | CopyScriptInterpreter | |
80278AB8 | SimpleAllocate | |
80278FA0 | dobjCopy | |
80278C58 | subPrint | |
80279028 | DynamicObjectCopy | |
80279084 | SetMarioAnimation | |
8027A1C8 | get_game_data | |
8027A8B0 | Menu | |
8027F4E0 | uncompress | |
80288E68 | ChangeCameraStatus | |
8028BD34 | StopMario | |
8028DA18 | CameraRR00 | |
8028DA50 | CameraRR04 | |
8028DAEC | CameraRR02 | |
8028DB38 | CameraRR0305 | |
8028DBB4 | CameraRR01 | |
8028DBF4 | CameraMetal00 | |
8028DC1C | CameraSL00 | |
8028DC70 | CameraSL01 | |
8028DD48 | CameraHMC00 | |
8028DE2C | CameraHMC02 | |
8028DE5C | CameraHMC03 | |
8028DE90 | CameraHMC04 | |
8028DEC4 | CameraHMC05 | |
8028DEF8 | CameraSSL00 | |
8028DF24 | CameraSSL0102 | |
8028DF6C | CameraSSL03 | |
8028DFB4 | CameraTHI00 | |
8028DFE8 | CameraTHI01 | |
8028E01C | CameraRR07 | |
8028E064 | CameraRR08 | |
8028E098 | CameraHMC01 | |
8028E0EC | CameraInside20 | |
8028E164 | CameraInside1E | |
8028E210 | CameraInside1F | |
8028E298 | CameraInside01 | |
8028E300 | CameraInside1213 | |
8028E334 | CameraUnused | |
8028E38C | CameraInside00 | |
8028E3B8 | CameraInside0E | |
8028E3F0 | CameraInside0F | |
8028E41C | CameraBBH2B2C | |
8028E450 | CameraBBH24 | |
8028E47C | CameraBBH2E2F | |
8028E524 | CameraBBH02_0C | |
8028E55C | CameraBBH01 | |
8028E594 | CameraBBH0D_OF | |
8028E5CC | CameraBBH10_11 | |
8028E604 | CameraBBH12 | |
8028E63C | CameraBBH1314 | |
8028E674 | CameraBBH15 | |
8028E6C4 | CameraBBH16 | |
8028E714 | CameraBBH17 | |
8028E758 | CameraBBH18 | |
8028E790 | CameraBBH28 | |
8028E7C8 | CameraBBH29 | |
8028E818 | CameraBBH2A | |
8028E868 | CameraBBH30_33 | |
8028E8A0 | CameraBBH34 | |
8028E8CC | CameraBBH38 | |
8028E930 | CameraBBH393A | |
8028E974 | CameraBBH00 | |
8028E9A0 | CameraBBH1A1B | |
8028E9D8 | CameraBBH1C | |
8028EA28 | CameraBBH1E | |
8028EA60 | CameraBBH1D | |
8028EAB0 | CameraBBH1F20 | |
8028EAE8 | CameraBBH21 | |
8028EB38 | CameraBBH22 | |
8028EB88 | CameraBBH23 | |
8028EBC0 | CameraBBH3536 | |
8028EC04 | CameraCCM00 | |
8028EC2C | CameraCCM01 | |
8029E530 | RotateTorwardsMario | |
802A3CFC | IsMarioStepping | |
802A4BE4 | CreateMessageBox | |
802A50FC | ShakeScreen | |
802CA190 | PlaySound | |
802CA1E0 | PlaySound2 | |
802CA618 | AnotherPrint | |
802D3EE4 | Print1 | |
802D404C | Print2 | |
802D62D8 | PrintInt | |
802D6554 | PrintStr | |
802D66C0 | PrintXY | |
802D69F8 | addchar_displist | |
802D75DC | addmini_displist | |
802D7B84 | PutString | |
802D7E88 | PrintRegularText | |
802D82D4 | PutMiniString | |
802D89B8 | ShowCoins | |
802D8B34 | Int2Str | |
802D8A80 | ShowStars | |
802D8D08 | CreateTextBox | |
802DBE68 | PauseScreen2 | |
802DC478 | PauseScreen1 | |
802DD838 | Save | |
802E3B1C | SetCameraStatus | |
802E3B3C | ShowCameraStatus | |
802A14C4 | SetObjBehavior | |
802A14FC | CheckObjBehavior | |
802A1554 | CheckObjBehavior2 | |
8029F0E0 | CopyObjParams | |
8029F120 | CopyObjPosition | |
8029F148 | CopyObjRotation | |
8029F3A8 | CopyObjScaling | |
8029E27C | DistanceFromObject | Calculates distance between 2 objects in 2 dimensions. Note: Only takes X & Z Coordinates into account. Height difference is ignored. |
8029E2F8 | DistanceFromObject3D | Calculates distance between 2 objects in 3 dimensions. |
802A0568 | DeactivateObject | |
802E6AF8 | ExplodeObject | |
8029F620 | HideObject | |
8029F6BC | UnHideObject | |
802A04C0 | SetModel | |
8029F464 | SetObjAnimation | |
8029EDCC | SpawnObj | |
8029EF64 | SpawnObjAdv | |
8029F430 | ScaleObject | |
8029F3D0 | ScaleXYZ | |
802A2320 | MoveRelated | |
802A1308 | PreMoveObj | |
802A2348 | MoveObj | |
802A2644 | MoveObj2 | |
8029E714 | UnknownMove | |
802F2B88 | CreateStar | |
80317040 | soundAlloc | |
80318040 | BlockDmaCopy | |
8031950C | InitAudioSystem | |
8031CFD4 | SetInstrument | |
8031EB00 | SetSound | |
80320544 | SetMusic | |
80321E48 | SetMusicwithFadeIn | |
80321F48 | KillMusicwithFadeOut | |
803223B0 | osSetTime | |
803223E0 | osMapTLB | |
803224A0 | osMapTLBRdb | |
803224F0 | proutSprintf | |
8032255C | sprintf | |
803225A0 | osCreateMesgQueue | |
803225D0 | osSetEventMsg | |
80322640 | osViSetEventMsg | |
803226B0 | osCreateThread | |
80322800 | osRecvMesg | |
80322940 | osSpTaskDunno | |
80322A5C | osSpTaskLoad | |
80322BBC | osSpTaskStartGo | |
80322C00 | osSpTaskYield | |
80322C20 | osSendMesg | |
80322DF0 | osStartThread | |
80322F40 | osWriteBackDCacheAll | |
80322F70 | osCreateViManager | |
803230F4 | __osViDevMgrMain | |
803232D0 | osViSetMode | |
80323340 | osViBlack | |
803233B0 | osViSetSpecialFeatures | |
80323570 | osCreatePiManager | |
803236F0 | osSetThreadPri | |
803237D0 | osInitialize | |
80323A00 | osViSwapBuffer | |
80323A50 | sqrtf | |
80323A60 | osContStartReadData | |
80323B24 | osContGetReadData | |
80323CC0 | osContInit | |
80323EBC | __osContGetInitData | |
80323F8C | __osPackRequestData | |
80324080 | osEepromProbe | |
803240F0 | __ull_rshift | |
8032411C | __ull_rem | |
80324158 | __ull_div | |
80324194 | __ll_lshift | |
803241C0 | __ll_rem | |
803241FC | __ll_div | |
80324258 | __ll_mul | |
80324288 | __ull_divremi | |
803242E8 | __ll_mod | |
80324384 | __ll_rshift | |
803243B0 | osInvalDCache | |
80324460 | osPiStartDma | |
80324570 | bzero | |
80324610 | osInvalCache | |
80324690 | osEepromLongRead | |
803247D0 | osEepromLongWrite | |
80324910 | bcopy | |
80324C20 | guOrthoF | |
80324D74 | guFrustum | |
80324DE0 | guPerspectiveF | |
80325010 | guPerspective | |
80325070 | osGetTime | |
80325310 | cosf | |
80325480 | sinf | |
803258D0 | guRotateRPYF | |
80325924 | guRotateRPY | |
80325970 | osAiSetFrequency | |
80325BD4 | alBnkfNew | |
80325CD8 | alSetFileNew | |
80325D20 | osWriteBackDCache | |
80325DA0 | osAiGetLength | |
80325DB0 | osAiSetNextBuffer | |
80325E60 | __osTimerServicesInit | |
80325EEC | __osTimerInterrupt | |
80326064 | __osSetTimerIntr | |
803260D8 | __osInsertTimer | |
80326260 | _Printf | |
803273F0 | memcpy | |
803274D0 | __osDisableInt | |
803274F0 | __osRestoreInt | |
80327510 | __osViInit | |
80327640 | __osExceptionPreamble | |
80327650 | __osExceptionHandler | |
80327C80 | __osEnqueueAndYield | |
80327D10 | __osEnqueueThread | |
80327D58 | __osPopThread | |
80327D68 | __osDispatchThread | |
80327EA8 | __osCleanupThread | |
80327EB0 | osVirtualToPhysical | |
80327F30 | __osSpSetStatus | |
80327F40 | __osSpSetPc | |
80327F80 | __osSpRawStartDma | |
80328010 | __osSpDeviceBusy | |
80328040 | __osSpGetStatus | |
80328050 | osGetThreadPri | |
803283E0 | osGetCount | |
803283F0 | __osPiCreateAccessQueue | |
80328440 | __osPiGetAccess | |
80328484 | __osPiRelAccess | |
803284B0 | osPiRawStartDma | |
80328590 | __osDevMgrMain | |
80328720 | __osGetSR | |
80328730 | __osSetFpcCsr | |
80328740 | __osSiRawReadIo | |
80328790 | __osSiRawWriteIo | |
803287E0 | osMapTLBRdb | TODO: duplicate symbol name |
80328840 | osEPiRawReadIo | |
803288A0 | __osSiCreateAccessQueue | |
803288F0 | __osSiGetAccess | |
80328934 | __osSiRelAccess | |
80328960 | __osSiRawStartDma | |
80328A10 | osSetTimer | |
80328AF0 | osEepromWrite | |
80328DAC | __osEepStatus | |
80328FD0 | osJamMesg | |
80329150 | osEepromRead | |
80329450 | guMtxF2L | |
80329550 | guMtxIdentF | |
80329750 | __osAiDeviceBusy | |
80329780 | __osSetCompare | |
8032AF70 | __osProbeTLB | |
8032ACE0 | __osSyncPutChars | |
8032AE10 | osSetIntMask | |
8032AE70 | osDestroyThread | |
8032B030 | __osSiDeviceBusy | |
8032B200 | __osAtomicDec | |
80378800 | Copy32BitTriple | |
8037B220 | InitSceneGraphNodeLinks | |
8037CBC0 | Copy16BitTriple | |
8037CC74 | RegisterSceneGraphNode | |
8037E0B4 | ProcessGeoLayout | |
8037E1A0 | LevelAccumOp | |
803839CC | ProcessCollision | |
80383BB0 | RNG | |
802DB08C | RenderHudCannonReticle | |
802E2CF0 | RenderHudCamera | |
802E2E58 | RenderHudCButtons | |
802E3654 | RenderHudHp | |
802E3744 | RenderHudMarioLives | |
802E37A8 | RenderHudCoins | |
802E380C | RenderHudStars | |
802E395C | RenderHudTimer | |
802E3D2C | RenderHud | |
8016F5B0 | LevelProc_8016F5B0 | |
801766DC | LevelProc_801766DC | |
801768A0 | LevelProc_801768A0 | |
80177560 | LevelProc_80177560 | |
80177610 | LevelProc_80177610 | |
8024BCD8 | LevelProc_8024BCD8 | |
8024BE14 | LevelProc_8024BE14 | |
8024BFA0 | LevelProc_8024BFA0 | |
8024BD5C | LevelProc_8024BD5C | |
80170280 | BehYellowBackgroundMenuInit | |
801702B8 | BehYellowBackgroundMenuLoop | |
80170AEC | BehMenuGrowingButtonInit | |
80170B1C | BehMenuGrowingButtonLoop | |
80172D70 | BehGreyButtonInit | |
80173430 | BehGreyButtonLoop | |
801768E0 | BehStarActSelectorLoop | |
80176B20 | BehActSelectorInit | |
80176DF0 | BehActSelectorLoop | |
80257060 | BehEndPeachLoop | |
802570DC | BehEndToadLoop | |
8027684C | BehToadMessageLoop | |
80276910 | BehToadMessageInit | |
80276BB8 | BehSealedDoorStarInit | |
80276CCC | BehSealedDoorStarLoop | |
8029B08C | BehBeginningPeachLoop | |
8029B49C | BehBeginningLakituLoop | |
8029BDE4 | BehEndBirds1Loop | |
8029BF64 | BehEndBirds2Loop | |
8029C254 | BehIntroSceneLoop | |
8029CA58 | BehMarioLoop2 | |
802A2BC4 | BehBreakBoxTriangleLoop | |
802A399C | BehDustSmokeLoop | |
802A4120 | BehCommonInit | |
802A56BC | BehStarDoorLoop | |
802A58DC | BehPiranhaParticleLoop | |
802A5AA0 | BehMrIParticleLoop | |
802A5BD4 | BehMrIBodyLoop | |
802A6B7C | BehMrILoop | |
802A6C20 | BehPoleInit | |
802A6C74 | BehGiantPoleLoop | |
802A6CF4 | BehThiTopTrapLoop | |
802A6D64 | BehThiTinyTopLoop | |
802A7170 | BehActivateCapSwitchLoop | |
802A7230 | BehBobombAnchorMarioLoop | |
802A8064 | BehKingBobombLoop | |
802A816C | BehBetaChestInit | |
802A81E8 | BehBetaChestLoop | |
802A821C | BehBetaChestUpperLoop | |
802A8370 | BehWaterAirBubbleInit | |
802A83A0 | BehWaterAirBubbleLoop | |
802A8630 | BehBubbleWaveInit | |
802A870C | BehBubbleMaybeLoop | |
802A88A4 | BehSmallWaterWaveLoop | |
802A8B18 | BehParticleInit | |
802A8BC0 | BehParticleLoop | |
802A8C88 | BehSmallBubblesLoop | |
802A8CDC | BehFishGroupLoop | |
802A8D48 | BehWaterWavesInit | |
802A8D98 | BehCannonBaseLoop | |
802A9498 | BehOpenedCannonLoop | |
802A94F8 | BehCannonBarrelLoop | |
802A9708 | BehChuckyaAnchorMarioLoop | |
802AA0AC | BehChuckyaLoop | |
802AA1B8 | BehBreakableWallLoop | |
802AA3F4 | BehKickableBoardLoop | |
802AA700 | BehTowerDoorLoop | |
802AA774 | BehClocklikeRotationLoop | |
802AA830 | BehRotatingPlatformLoop | |
802AA97C | BehKoopaShellUnderwaterLoop | |
802AAA60 | BehWarpLoop | |
802AAB54 | BehFadingWarpLoop | |
802AAC48 | BehWhitePuffExplosingLoop | |
802AAF48 | BehUnused080CInit | |
802AB1C8 | BehUnused080CLoop | |
802AB650 | BehTempCoinInit | |
802AB70C | BehCollectableCoinLoop | |
802AB748 | BehTempCoingLoop | |
802AB7A4 | BehCoinInit | |
802AB860 | BehCoinLoop | |
802ABA40 | BehCoinFormationSpawnLoop | |
802ABEE4 | BehCoinFormationInit | |
802ABF0C | BehCoinFormationLoop | |
802AC294 | BehCoinInsideBooLoop | |
802AC2C0 | BehCoinSparklesLoop | |
802AC2EC | BehGoldenCoinSparklesLoop | |
802AC3A8 | BehPunchTinyTriangleLoop | |
802AC4A0 | BehPunchTinyTriangleInit | |
802AC5B4 | BehWallTinyStarParticleLoop | |
802AC678 | BehTinyStarParticlesInit | |
802AC78C | BehPoundTinyStarParticleLoop | |
802AC864 | BehPoundTinyStarParticleInit | |
802ACAC8 | BehDoorLoop | |
802ACC3C | BehDoorInit | |
802ACE80 | BehStarDoorLoop2 | |
802AD34C | BehGrindelThwompLoop | |
802AD378 | BehTumblingBridgePlatformLoop | |
802AD890 | BehTumblingBridgeLoop | |
802ADDF8 | BehElevatorInit | |
802ADF6C | BehElevatorLoop | |
802ADF98 | BehWaterMistSpawnLoop | |
802ADFD8 | BehWaterMistLoop | |
802AE238 | BehWaterMist2Loop | |
802AE304 | BehPoundWhitePuffsInit | |
802AE360 | BehUnused0E40Init | |
802AE48C | BehGroundSnowInit | |
802AE534 | BehWindLoop | |
802AE85C | BehPiranhaParticlesSpawnLoop | |
802AE908 | BehLittleCage2Loop | |
802AEB9C | BehLittleCageLoop | |
802AEBC8 | BehSquishablePlatformLoop | |
802AEC40 | BehBifsSinkingPlatformLoop | |
802AECA8 | BehDddMovingPoleLoop | |
802AECDC | BehBifsSinkingCagePlatformLoop | |
802AEDC0 | BehBetaMovingFlamesSpawnLoop | |
802AEEA4 | BehBetaMovingFlamesLoop | |
802AEF1C | BehFlamethrowerFlameLoop | |
802AF1E8 | BehFlamethrowerLoop | |
802AF3FC | BehRrRotatingPlatformFireLoop | |
802AF448 | BehBouncingFireballFlameLoop | |
802AF5F8 | BehBouncingFireballLoop | |
802AF7C4 | BehBowserShockWave | |
802AF9CC | BehBlackSmokeUpwardLoop | |
802AFA0C | BehBlackSmokeBowserLoop | |
802AFAE4 | BehBlackSmokeMarioLoop | |
802AFBF8 | BehFlameMarioLoop | |
802AFCE4 | BehMultipleCoinsLoop | |
802AFD1C | BehSpindriftLoop | |
802AFEE8 | BehWfSolidPlatformLoop | |
802AFF30 | BehWfElevatorPlatformLoop | |
802B00E4 | BehWfSlidingPlatformLoop | |
802B04B4 | BehTowerPlatformGroupLoop | |
802B0614 | BehTreeSnowOrLeafLoop | |
802B0974 | BehSnowLeafParticleSpawnInit | |
802B0BEC | BehSquarishPathMovingLoop | |
802B0D48 | BehPiranhaPlantWakingBubblesLoop | |
802B0DF0 | BehPiranhaPlantBubbleLoop | |
802B1278 | BehFloorSwitchLoop | |
802B15E8 | BehPushableLoop | |
802B1AE0 | BehHiddenObjectLoop | |
802B1B2C | BehBreakableBoxLoop | |
802B1C54 | BehHeaveHoThrowMarioLoop | |
802B2278 | BehHeaveHoLoop | |
802B2340 | BehCcmTouchedStarSpawnLoop | |
802B23E0 | BehPoundExplodesLoop | |
802B2494 | BehBetaTrampolineSpawnLoop | |
802B25AC | BehBetaTrampolineLoop | |
802B288C | BehJumpingBoxLoop | |
802B29B8 | BehBooCageLoop | |
802B2D10 | BehBetaBooKeyOutsideLoop | |
802B3108 | BehBetaBooKeyInsideLoop | |
802B329C | BehGrandStarLoop | |
802B3600 | BehBowserKey2Loop | |
802B37B8 | BehWhitePuffSmokeInit | |
802B3810 | BehBulletBillInit | |
802B3BE0 | BehBulletBillLoop | |
802B3D74 | BehBowserTailAnchorLoop | |
802B3DF4 | BehBowserFlameSpawnLoop | |
802B4080 | BehBowserBodyAnchorLoop | |
802B75A4 | BehBowserLoop | |
802B7878 | BehBowserInit | |
802B8384 | BehFallingBowserPlatformLoop | |
802B84AC | BehFlameBowserInit | |
802B85B0 | BehFlameLargeBurningOutInit | |
802B8734 | BehFlameBowserLoop | |
802B8960 | BehFlameMovingForwardGrowingInit | |
802B89EC | BehFlameMovingForwardGrowingLoop | |
802B8B1C | BehFlameFloatingLandingInit | |
802B8C38 | BehFlameFloatingLandingLoop | |
802B8D68 | BehBlueBowserFlameInit | |
802B8E7C | BehBlueBowserFlameLoop | |
802B9034 | BehFlameBouncingInit | |
802B90EC | BehFlameBouncingLoop | |
802B921C | BehBlueFlamesGroupLoop | |
802B935C | BehBlueFishLoop | |
802B9790 | BehTankFishGroupsLoop | |
802B98FC | BehCheckerboardElevatorGroupInit | |
802B9BB4 | BehCheckerboardPlatformInit | |
802B9BD8 | BehCheckerboardPlatformLoop | |
802B9E94 | BehDddWarpLoop | |
802BA19C | BehWaterLevelPillarInit | |
802BA1E0 | BehWaterLevelPillarLoop | |
802BA25C | BehInvisibleObjUnderBridge | |
802BA2F8 | BehDoorKey1Loop | |
802BA458 | BehDoorKey2Loop | |
802BA5BC | BehMoatGrillsLoop | |
802BA608 | BehRotatingClockArmLoop | |
802BBB98 | BehUkikiOpenCageInit | |
802BBC0C | BehUkikiOpenCageLoop | |
802BC0F0 | BehHorizontalMovementLoop | |
802BC22C | BehSinkWhenSteppedOnLoop | |
802BC294 | BehLllRotatingHexFlameLoop | |
802BC618 | BehRotatingCwFireBarsLoop | |
802BC660 | BehLllWoodPieceLoop | |
802BC728 | BehFloatingWoodBridgeLoop | |
802BC898 | BehVolcanoFlamesLoop | |
802BCA74 | BehLllRotatingPlatformLoop | |
802BCDA8 | BehLllSlowTiltingMovementLoop | |
802BCE58 | BehLllSlowUpDownMovementLoop | |
802BCF40 | BehTiltingPlatformInit | |
802BD058 | BehTiltingPlatformLoop | |
802BD488 | BehKoopaShellFlameLoop | |
802BD680 | BehKoopaShellLoop | |
802BDD68 | BehToxBoxLoop | |
802BE5A0 | BehPiranhaPlant2Loop | |
802BE79C | BehBowserPuzzleLoop | |
802BEC34 | BehBowserPuzzlePieceLoop | |
802BF3C0 | BehTuxiesMotherLoop | |
802BFA88 | BehSmallPenguinLoop | |
802BFF3C | BehFishLoop | |
802C0768 | BehFishGroup2Loop | |
802C08A8 | BehWdwExpressElevatorLoop | |
802C0BE0 | BehBirdChirpChirpLoop | |
802C1204 | BehCheepCheepLoop | |
802C12C0 | BehRotatinExclamationBoxLoop | |
802C19C0 | BehExclamationBoxLoop | |
802C19FC | BehPlaySound | |
802C1A40 | BehBowsersSubLoop | |
802C1A80 | BehSushiSharkCollisionLoop | |
802C1A90 | BehSushiSharkLoop | |
802C1C44 | BehSunkenShipPartLoop | |
802C1CD4 | BehShipPart3Loop | |
802C1E10 | BehJrbSlidingBox | |
802C2190 | BehWhitePuff1Loop | |
802C2274 | BehWhitePuff2Loop | |
802C22B8 | BehHiddenBlueCoinsLoop | |
802C242C | BehBlueCoinSwitchLoop | |
802C263C | BehBobHmcCageDoorLoop | |
802C26F8 | BehOpenableGrillLoop | |
802C2930 | BehInitWaterLevelTriggerLoop | |
802C2A24 | BehWaterLevelTriggerLoop | |
802C329C | BehTweesterLoop | |
802C32E8 | BehTweesterSandParticleLoop | |
802C3440 | BehBooInit | |
802C3684 | BehBooGroupInit | |
802C4824 | BehBooLoop | |
802C4F30 | BehBooGivingStarLoop | |
802C515C | BehBooWithCageInit | |
802C51D4 | BehBooWithCageLoop | |
802C5224 | BehSpawnBigBooLoop | |
802C53EC | BehAnimatedTextureLoop | |
802C5414 | BehBooInCastleLoop | |
802C5688 | BehBooBossSpawnedBridgeLoop | |
802C5890 | BehBbhTiltFloorPlatformLoop | |
802C5A38 | BehTumblingBookshelfLoop | |
802C5CA8 | BehRotatingMerryGoRoundLoop | |
802C5DC0 | BehStaticCheckeredPlatformLoop | |
802C5F48 | BehInsideCannonLoop | |
802C5FDC | BehPlayMusicTrackWhenTouchedLoop | |
802C6050 | BehFloorTrapInCastleLoop | |
802C60AC | BehCastleFloorTrapInit | |
802C6348 | BehCastleFloorTrapLoop | |
802C63E8 | BehClimbDetectLoop | |
802C64A4 | BehPowerupSparklesLoop | |
802C65C0 | BehScuttlebugLoop | |
802C6B6C | BehScuttlebugSpawnLoop | |
802C79D8 | BehWhompLoop | |
802C7A70 | BehWaterSplashLoop | |
802C7B14 | BehWaterDropsLoop | |
802C7CAC | BehSurfaceWavesLoop | |
802C7D40 | BehWaterSurfaceWhiteWaveInit | |
802C7D90 | BehGfxInit | |
802C7DFC | BehSurfaceWaveShrinkingInit | |
802C7E5C | BehWaveTrailLoop | |
802C7F98 | BehWhiteWindParticleLoop | |
802C834C | BehSnowmanWindBlowingLoop | |
802C863C | BehWalkingPenguinLoop | |
802CB1C0 | BehMarioLoop1 | |
802CB264 | BehMarioLoop3 | |
802E5EE8 | BehCoinInsideFormationInit | |
802E5F64 | BehCoinInsideFormationLoop | |
802E6098 | BehMovingBlueCoinInit | |
802E6114 | BehMovingBlueCoinLoop | |
802E62A4 | BehBlueCoinSlidingJumpingInit | |
802E6474 | BehBlueCoinSlidingLoop | |
802E6628 | BehBlueCoinJumpingLoop | |
802E6790 | BehSeaweedInit | |
802E67DC | BehSeaweedBundleInit | |
802E6A2C | BehBobombInit | |
802E742C | BehBobombLoop | |
802E75A0 | BehBobombDustInit | |
802E76AC | BehPinkBobombInit | |
802E7C4C | BehPinkBobombLoop | |
802E7C90 | BehCannonTrapDoorInit | |
802E7E54 | BehCannonTrapDoorLoop | |
802E7F70 | BehWhirlpoolDeathInit | |
802E80DC | BehWhirlpoolDeathLoop | |
802E82B0 | BehBubblesLoop | |
802E8388 | BehAmp2Init | |
802E89D4 | BehAmp2Loop | |
802E8AE4 | BehAmpInit | |
802E8ECC | BehAmpLoop | |
802E8F68 | BehButterflyInit | |
802E96C8 | BehButterflyLoop | |
802E9764 | BehOwlInit | |
802EA588 | BehOwlLoop | |
802EA6A8 | BehBetaGreenShellInit | |
802EA7E0 | BehBetaGreenShellLoop | |
802EA888 | BehDirtInit | |
802EA934 | BehDirtLoop | |
802EAA10 | BehWaterWaveInit | |
802EAA50 | BehWaterWaveLoop | |
802EAA8C | BehExplosionInit | |
802EAAD0 | BehExplosionLoop | |
802EABF0 | BehLargeWhiteSmokeCloundInit | |
802EAC3C | BehWhiteParticleWaterDropInit | |
802EAD3C | BehWhiteParticleWaterDropLoop | |
802EAEF8 | BehBreakableBoxBackupLoop | |
802EB05C | BehSmallBullyInit | |
802EB104 | BehBullyBossInit | |
802EB9D0 | BehBullyCommonLoop | |
802EBC00 | BehBullyInit | |
802EBCE0 | BehBullyLoop | |
802EC1B0 | BehAirBubbleWaterRingsInit | |
802EC75C | BehAirBubbleWaterRingsLoop | |
802EC908 | BehMantaRingsGeneratorLoop | |
802EC9B8 | BehAirBubbleWaterRingsUnderwaterInit | |
802ECBA4 | BehAirBubbleWaterRingsUnderwaterLoop | |
802ECC14 | BehBowserBombLoop | |
802ECD0C | BehSpikeyBombExplosion1Loop | |
802ECEA0 | BehSpikeyBombExplosion2Loop | |
802ECFAC | BehStarCelebrationStarInit | |
802ED39C | BehStarCelebrationStarLoop | |
802ED40C | BehKeyGrabSparklesLoop | |
802ED45C | BehSomeWhitePuffLoop | |
802ED498 | BehBasculeBridgeLoop | |
802ED62C | BehLllTiltingBridgeLoop | |
802ED78C | BehRockFormationEyesInit | |
802ED7FC | BehRockFormationEyesLoop | |
802EDACC | BehLargeRockEyesInit | |
802EDB2C | BehLargeRockEyesLoop | |
802EDDFC | BehSlidingBrickPlatform2Init | |
802EDF28 | BehSlidingBrickPlatform2Loop | |
802EE124 | BehMoneybagTransformingInit | |
802EE7E0 | BehMoneybagTransformingLoop | |
802EE8F4 | BehMoneybagLoop | |
802EE9CC | BehTinyMetalBallInit | |
802EEDF0 | BehTinyMetalBallLoop | |
802EEEB4 | BehMetalBallGeneratorInit | |
802EEF9C | BehMetalBallGeneratorLoop | |
802EF0E8 | BehMiniMetalBallGeneratorLoop | |
802EF21C | BehRollingBallInit | |
802EF274 | BehRollingBallLoop | |
802EF34C | BehRollingMetalBallInit | |
802EF524 | BehRollingMetalBallLoop | |
802EF63C | BehFlappingWingInit | |
802EF66C | BehFlappingWingLoop | |
802EF820 | BehSpindelInit | |
802EF858 | BehSpindelLoop | |
802EFCD0 | BehMovingUpAndDownInit | |
802EFD8C | BehMovingUpAndDownLoop | |
802EFE64 | BehPyramidElevatorInit | |
802EFEF4 | BehPyramidElevatorLoop | |
802F0104 | BehPyramidElevatorMetalBallsLoop | |
802F0168 | BehPyramidTopInit | |
802F05B4 | BehPyramidTopLoop | |
802F06A8 | BehPyramidTopExplosionInit | |
802F0714 | BehPyramidTopExplosionLoop | |
802F0788 | BehCollisionBoxSubBehaviorLoop | |
802F07F4 | BehWaterfallSoundLoop | |
802F0820 | BehVolcanoSoundLoop | |
802F084C | BehCastleFlagWavingInit | |
802F0898 | BehBirdsSoundLoop | |
802F0950 | BehAmbiantSoundsInit | |
802F09A4 | BehSandSoundLoop | |
802F09F0 | BehHiddenAt120StarsInit | |
802F0A40 | BehSnowmansBottomInit | |
802F105C | BehSnowmansBottomLoop | |
802F120C | BehSnowmansHeadInit | |
802F1370 | BehSnowmansHeadLoop | |
802F151C | BehSnowmansBodyCheckpointLoop | |
802F15A8 | BehBigBoulderInit | |
802F1714 | BehBigBoulderLoop | |
802F17F0 | BehBigBoulderGeneratorLoop | |
802F1D64 | BehWingCapInit | |
802F1F3C | BehWingVanishCapLoop | |
802F1FD0 | BehMetalCapInit | |
802F20AC | BehMetalCapLoop | |
802F2140 | BehNormalCapInit | |
802F23A8 | BehNormalCapLoop | |
802F2498 | BehVanishCapInit | |
802F24F4 | BehCollectStarInit | |
802F25B0 | BehCollectStarLoop | |
802F2614 | BehStarSpawnInit | |
802F2768 | BehStarSpawnLoop | |
802F2C84 | BehHiddenRedCoinStarInit | |
802F2D8C | BehHiddenRedCoinStarLoop | |
802F2E6C | BehRedCoinInit | |
802F2F2C | BehRedCoinLoop | |
802F3014 | BehHiddenStarInit | |
802F30F0 | BehHiddenStarLoop | |
802F31BC | BehCheckpointLoop | |
802F328C | BehBowserCourseRedCoinStarLoop | |
802F336C | BehPitoune2Init | |
802F36A4 | BehPitouneLoop | |
802F3A30 | BehFallingWhenMarioNearLoop | |
802F3B98 | BehPitouneInit | |
802F3CC8 | Beh1UpCommonInit | |
802F3D30 | Beh1UpInit | |
802F40CC | Beh1UpWalkingLoop | |
802F4248 | Beh1UpRunningAwayLoop | |
802F44C0 | Beh1UpSlidingLoop | |
802F45B8 | Beh1UpLoop | |
802F45F0 | Beh1UpJumpOnApproachLoop | |
802F4710 | Beh1UpHiddenLoop | |
802F48F4 | Beh1UpHiddenTriggerLoop | |
802F496C | Beh1UpHiddenTreePoleLoop | |
802F4B00 | Beh1UpHiddenTreePoleTriggerLoop | |
802F4B78 | Beh1UpHiddenInTreeLoop | |
802F4D78 | BehControllablePlatformSubLoop | |
802F4EB4 | BehControllablePlatformInit | |
802F55A4 | BehControllablePlatformLoop | |
802F5CD4 | BehBreakableBox2Init | |
802F6228 | BehBreakableBox2Loop | |
802F62E4 | BehSlidingSnowMoundLoop | |
802F6448 | BehSnowMoundSpawnLoop | |
802F6984 | BehFloatingPlatformLoop | |
802F6C0C | BehArrowLiftLoop | |
802F6D20 | BehOrangeNumberInit | |
802F6D58 | BehOrangeNumberLoop | |
802F6E40 | BehMantaRayInit | |
802F7264 | BehMantaRayLoop | |
802F7348 | BehFallingPillarInit | |
802F74DC | BehFallingPillarLoop | |
802F7760 | BehSomeSubobjectFallingPillarLoop | |
802F7924 | BehJrbFloatingBoxLoop | |
802F7978 | BehOscillatingPendulumInit | |
802F79B0 | BehOscillatingPendulumLoop | |
802F7A58 | BehTreasureChestTopLoop | |
802F7C9C | BehTreasureChestBottomInit | |
802F7D04 | BehTreasureChestBottomLoop | |
802F7FA0 | BehTreasureChestShipInit | |
802F8044 | BehTreasureChestShipLoop | |
802F8158 | BehTreasureChestJrbInit | |
802F8208 | BehTreasureChestJrbLoop | |
802F82F8 | BehTreasureChestInit | |
802F83A4 | BehTreasureChestLoop | |
802F8490 | BehMipsInit | |
802F8DAC | BehMipsLoop | |
802F8E54 | BehYoshiInit | |
802F965C | BehYoshiLoop | |
802FBC4C | BehKoopaInit | |
802FD7F8 | BehKoopaLoop | |
802FD950 | BehWavingKoopaFlagLoop | |
802FDA28 | BehPokeyHeadLoop | |
802FE3B0 | BehPokeyLoop | |
802FE8B4 | BehBatLoop | |
802FF040 | BehFlyGuyLoop | |
802FF214 | BehGoombasGroupLoop | |
802FF408 | BehGoombaWalkInit | |
802FF96C | BehGoombaWalkLoop | |
802FFB38 | BehChainChompChainsLoop | |
80300E40 | BehChainChompLoop | |
80300ECC | BehPoundableLoop | |
80301148 | BehChainChompFreedExplosionInit | |
80301180 | BehChainChompFreedExplosionLoop | |
80301210 | BehWigglerBodyPartsLoop | |
80302154 | BehWigglerLoop | |
80302910 | BehSpinyLoop | |
80303028 | BehEvilLakituLoop | |
8030369C | BehFwooshBlowingWindLoop | |
80303744 | BehFwooshFaceLoop | |
80303984 | BehLakituInit | |
80303F64 | BehLakituLoop | |
803043F8 | BehMontyMoleInHoleLoop | |
803044C0 | BehMontyMoleInit | |
80304BA8 | BehMontyMoleLoop | |
80304FD4 | BehMontyMoleRockLoop | |
80305100 | BehPlatformOnTracksInit | |
80305A58 | BehPlatformOnTracksLoop | |
80305BB0 | BehMetalBallsForElevatorsLoop | |
80305C14 | BehSolidMovingInit | |
80305C90 | BehSolidMovingLoop | |
80305E2C | BehFourRotatingPlatformsInit | |
80305F24 | BehFerrisWheelPlatformLoop | |
80306084 | BehWaterBubbleDropLoop | |
803067E8 | BehWaterBombLoop | |
803068C0 | BehWaterBombShadowLoop | |
8030699C | BehRotatingClockPlatformInit | |
80306A38 | BehRotatingClockPlatformLoop | |
80306CC4 | BehClockPendulumInit | |
80306D38 | BehClockPendulumLoop | |
80306F48 | BehClockMetalPlatformInit | |
80307010 | BehClockMetalPlatformLoop | |
803071B8 | BehSlidingPlatformInit | |
80307670 | BehSlidingPlatformLoop | |
80307760 | BehRotatingGearPlatformInit | |
803077E0 | BehRotationGearPlatformLoop | |
80307930 | BehPushableClockBoxInit | |
803079C8 | BehPushableClockBoxLoop | |
80307AE4 | BehClockPlatformInit | |
80307B58 | BehClockPlatformLoop | |
80307C88 | BehClockMainRotationInit | |
80307CF8 | BehClockMainRotationLoop | |
80307EA4 | BehRotatingClockPlatform2Loop | |
8030803C | BehMrBlizzardInit | |
80308D6C | BehMrBlizzardLoop | |
80309154 | BehSnowmanSnowballLoop | |
803091E0 | BehSlidingPlatform2Init | |
80309354 | BehSlidingPlatform2Loop | |
80309454 | BehOctagonalPlatformRotatingInit | |
803094D0 | BehOctagonalPlatformRotatingLoop | |
803094F8 | BehFloorSwitchPressAnimationInit | |
80309530 | BehFloorSwitchPressAnimationLoop | |
803097A4 | BehClimbableCageInit | |
803098C0 | BehClimbableCageLoop | |
80309B64 | BehRecoverLifeLoop | |
80309CEC | BehCannonBarrelBubblesLoop | |
8030A11C | BehCannonLoop | |
8030A1C0 | BehUnagiInit | |
8030A93C | BehUnagiLoop | |
8030AABC | BehUnagiSubobjectLoop | |
8030B2F4 | BehDorrieLoop | |
8030B658 | BehHauntedChairInit | |
8030BC90 | BehHauntedChairLoop | |
8030BFD0 | BehMadPianoLoop | |
8030C364 | BehFlyingBookendLoop | |
8030C4B0 | BehBookendSpawnLoop | |
8030C8EC | BehBookshelfThingLoop | |
8030C98C | BehBookSwitchLoop | |
8030CDDC | BehPiranhaPlantInit | |
8030D2F0 | BehPiranhaPlantLoop | |
8030D598 | BehFireSpewerLoop | |
8030D640 | BehSmallPiranhaFlameLoop | |
8030D8D4 | BehFlyGuyFlameLoop | |
8030DC70 | BehSnufitLoop | |
8030DFC4 | BehSnufitBallsLoop | |
8030E14C | BehGrindel2Init | |
8030E16C | BehGrindel2Loop | |
8030EA9C | BehEyerokBossLoop | |
8030FFF8 | BehEyerokHandLoop | |
80310498 | BehKleptoInit | |
8031129C | BehKleptoLoop | |
80311874 | BehMultipleBirdsFlyingLoop | |
803118E4 | BehRacingPenguinInit | |
80312070 | BehRacingPenguinLoop | |
80312168 | BehFinishLineCheckLoop | |
80312200 | BehShortcutCheckLoop | |
80312248 | BehHauntedRoomCheckLoop | |
8031274C | BehHauntedRoomCheckSubobjectLoop | |
80312A54 | BehClamShellLoop | |
80313110 | BehSkeeterLoop | |
803131E8 | BehWaterWaveTypeLoop | |
8031326C | BehPendulumMovementInit | |
80313294 | BehPendulumMovementLoop | |
80313354 | BehDonutPlatformGroupLoop | |
80313530 | BehDonutPlatformLoop | |
803136CC | BehDddYellowPolesInit | |
80313754 | BehDddYellowPolesLoop | |
803137F4 | BehShadowStarForRedStarInit | |
80313FC0 | BehThreeButterfliesLoop | |
803145D4 | BehBubbaLoop | |
802A597C | ActionMrIParticle0 | |
802A5A44 | ActionMrIParticle1 | |
802A6AD8 | ActionMrI0 | |
802A68A0 | ActionMrI1 | |
802A6518 | ActionMrI2 | |
802A5D4C | ActionMrI3 | |
802A6EE4 | ActionActivateCapSwitch0 | |
802A7020 | ActionActivateCapSwitch1 | |
802A708C | ActionActivateCapSwitch2 | |
802A7160 | ActionActivateCapSwitch3 | |
802A7264 | ActionKingBobomb0 | |
802A7804 | ActionKingBobomb1 | |
802A73D8 | ActionKingBobomb2 | |
802A7598 | ActionKingBobomb3 | |
802A7B5C | ActionKingBobomb4 | |
802A7D14 | ActionKingBobomb5 | |
802A78D8 | ActionKingBobomb6 | |
802A7A60 | ActionKingBobomb7 | |
802A7B1C | ActionKingBobomb8 | |
802A8DC0 | ActionOpenedCannon0 | |
802A93F8 | ActionOpenedCannon1 | |
802A9440 | ActionOpenedCannon2 | |
802A9460 | ActionOpenedCannon3 | |
802A8F40 | ActionOpenedCannon4 | |
802A92FC | ActionOpenedCannon5 | |
802A9114 | ActionOpenedCannon6 | |
802A9994 | ActionChuckya0 | |
802A9D08 | ActionChuckya1 | |
802A9FC8 | ActionChuckya2 | |
802A9F54 | ActionChuckya3 | |
802AC15C | ActionCoinInsideBoo0 | |
802AC068 | ActionCoinInsideBoo1 | |
802AD2D0 | ActionGrindelThwomp0 | |
802AD238 | ActionGrindelThwomp1 | |
802AD10C | ActionGrindelThwomp2 | |
802AD1A4 | ActionGrindelThwomp3 | |
802AD078 | ActionGrindelThwomp4 | |
802AD828 | ActionTumblingBridge0 | |
802AD580 | ActionTumblingBridge1 | |
802AD76C | ActionTumblingBridge2 | |
802AD7F4 | ActionTumblingBridge3 | |
802AD8F0 | ActionElevator0 | |
802ADA4C | ActionElevator1 | |
802ADB88 | ActionElevator2 | |
802ADD70 | ActionElevator3 | |
802ADCE4 | ActionElevator4 | |
802AEA6C | ActionLittleCage0 | |
802AEAB8 | ActionLittleCage1 | |
802AEB1C | ActionLittleCage2 | |
802AEB74 | ActionLittleCage3 | |
802B20A0 | ActionHeaveHo0 | |
802B1D7C | ActionHeaveHo1 | |
802B1E6C | ActionHeaveHo2 | |
802B1FF4 | ActionHeaveHo3 | |
802B26A4 | ActionJumpingBox0 | |
802B27D8 | ActionJumpingBox1 | |
802B3064 | ActionBetaBooKeyInside0 | |
802B2F34 | ActionBetaBooKeyInside1 | |
802B2DAC | ActionBetaBooKeyInside2 | |
802B3830 | ActionBulletBill0 | |
802B38B8 | ActionBulletBill1 | |
802B394C | ActionBulletBill2 | |
802B3B08 | ActionBulletBill3 | |
802B3B24 | ActionBulletBill4 | |
802B3C2C | ActionBowserTailAnchor0 | |
802B3CDC | ActionBowserTailAnchor1 | |
802B3D10 | ActionBowserTailAnchor2 | |
802B4BE8 | ActionBowser0 | |
802B5FEC | ActionBowser1 | |
802B6190 | ActionBowser2 | |
802B6568 | ActionBowser3 | |
802B6CF0 | ActionBowser4 | |
802B4478 | ActionBowser5 | |
802B44BC | ActionBowser6 | |
802B5C40 | ActionBowser7 | |
802B5104 | ActionBowser8 | |
802B59CC | ActionBowser9 | |
802B58BC | ActionBowser10 | |
802B5C00 | ActionBowser11 | |
802B5218 | ActionBowser12 | |
802B55CC | ActionBowser13 | |
802B4D14 | ActionBowser14 | |
802B4CA4 | ActionBowser15 | |
802B4F00 | ActionBowser16 | |
802B5798 | ActionBowser17 | |
802B4BAC | ActionBowser18 | |
802B6EE0 | ActionBowser19 | |
802B7E68 | ActionFallingBowserPlatform0 | |
802B7EF0 | ActionFallingBowserPlatform1 | |
802B8024 | ActionFallingBowserPlatform2 | |
802BAB7C | ActionUkikiOpenCage0 | |
802BB07C | ActionUkikiOpenCage1 | |
802BAF64 | ActionUkikiOpenCage2 | |
802BB288 | ActionUkikiOpenCage3 | |
802BB3B8 | ActionUkikiOpenCage4 | |
802BAEC4 | ActionUkikiOpenCage5 | |
802BAF10 | ActionUkikiOpenCage6 | |
802BAE40 | ActionUkikiOpenCage7 | |
802BC4F4 | ActionRotatingCwFireBars0 | |
802BC538 | ActionRotatingCwFireBars1 | |
802BC590 | ActionRotatingCwFireBars2 | |
802BC5FC | ActionRotatingCwFireBars3 | |
802BDD14 | ActionToxBox0 | |
802BDBE4 | ActionToxBox1 | |
802BDC7C | ActionToxBox2 | |
802BDCC8 | ActionToxBox3 | |
802BDB04 | ActionToxBox4 | |
802BDB3C | ActionToxBox5 | |
802BDB74 | ActionToxBox6 | |
802BDBAC | ActionToxBox7 | |
802BDD9C | ActionPiranhaPlant20 | |
802BDEEC | ActionPiranhaPlant21 | |
802BE350 | ActionPiranhaPlant22 | |
802BE034 | ActionPiranhaPlant23 | |
802BE50C | ActionPiranhaPlant24 | |
802BE0EC | ActionPiranhaPlant25 | |
802BE150 | ActionPiranhaPlant26 | |
802BE234 | ActionPiranhaPlant27 | |
802BE278 | ActionPiranhaPlant28 | |
802BE8A8 | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece0 | |
802BE8B8 | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece1 | |
802BEB14 | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece2 | |
802BEB54 | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece3 | |
802BEB8C | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece4 | |
802BEBC4 | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece5 | |
802BEBFC | ActionBowserPuzzlePiece6 | |
802BF1D8 | ActionTuxiesMother0 | |
802BEF8C | ActionTuxiesMother1 | |
802BEDEC | ActionTuxiesMother2 | |
802BF760 | ActionSmallPenguin0 | |
802BF57C | ActionSmallPenguin1 | |
802BF474 | ActionSmallPenguin2 | |
802BF648 | ActionSmallPenguin3 | |
802BF6E4 | ActionSmallPenguin4 | |
802BF90C | ActionSmallPenguin5 | |
802BFCD8 | ActionFish0 | |
802BFEB8 | ActionFish1 | |
802BFF20 | ActionFish2 | |
802C06A8 | ActionFishGroup0 | |
802C00B4 | ActionFishGroup1 | |
802C0348 | ActionFishGroup2 | |
802C0AAC | ActionBirdChirpChirp0 | |
802C0B50 | ActionBirdChirpChirp1 | |
802C0BA4 | ActionBirdChirpChirp2 | |
802C0BC4 | ActionBirdChirpChirp3 | |
802C0CD4 | ActionCheepCheep0 | |
802C0D44 | ActionCheepCheep1 | |
802C0F90 | ActionCheepCheep2 | |
802C1308 | ActionExclamationBox0 | |
802C13EC | ActionExclamationBox1 | |
802C14B0 | ActionExclamationBox2 | |
802C15B8 | ActionExclamationBox3 | |
802C18D0 | ActionExclamationBox4 | |
802C1988 | ActionExclamationBox5 | |
802C2EBC | ActionTweester0 | |
802C2FBC | ActionTweester1 | |
802C31C4 | ActionTweester2 | |
802C43F4 | ActionBoo0 | |
802C45B0 | ActionBoo1 | |
802C46D8 | ActionBoo2 | |
802C4720 | ActionBoo3 | |
802C4790 | ActionBoo4 | |
802C4508 | ActionBoo5 | |
802C48C0 | ActionBooGivingStar0 | |
802C49F0 | ActionBooGivingStar1 | |
802C4B54 | ActionBooGivingStar2 | |
802C4C70 | ActionBooGivingStar3 | |
802C4DD4 | ActionBooGivingStar4 | |
802C4FB0 | ActionBooWithCage0 | |
802C503C | ActionBooWithCage1 | |
802C50D8 | ActionBooWithCage2 | |
802C5120 | ActionBooWithCage3 | |
802C6D6C | ActionWhomp0 | |
802C6FB0 | ActionWhomp1 | |
802C710C | ActionWhomp2 | |
802C7254 | ActionWhomp3 | |
802C72B4 | ActionWhomp4 | |
802C7380 | ActionWhomp5 | |
802C76D4 | ActionWhomp6 | |
802C6EC8 | ActionWhomp7 | |
802C7858 | ActionWhomp8 | |
802C7998 | ActionWhomp9 | |
8037CD60 | GeoLayout00 | |
8037CE24 | GeoLayout01 | |
8037CEE8 | GeoLayout02 | |
8037CF70 | GeoLayout03 | |
8037CFC0 | GeoLayout04 | |
8037D018 | GeoLayout05 | |
8037D050 | GeoLayout06 | |
8037D0D0 | GeoLayout07 | |
8037D1D0 | GeoLayout08 | |
8037D328 | GeoLayout09 | |
8037D3A4 | GeoLayout0A | |
8037D48C | GeoLayout0B | |
8037D500 | GeoLayout0C | |
8037D55C | GeoLayout0D | |
8037D5D4 | GeoLayout0E | |
8037D640 | GeoLayout0F | |
8037D6F0 | GeoLayout10 | |
8037D8D4 | GeoLayout11 | |
8037D998 | GeoLayout12 | |
8037DB74 | GeoLayout13 | |
8037DC10 | GeoLayout14 | |
8037DCD4 | GeoLayout15 | |
8037DD4C | GeoLayout16 | |
8037DDDC | GeoLayout17 | |
8037DE34 | GeoLayout18 | |
8037DE94 | GeoLayout19 | |
8037DEF8 | GeoLayout1A | |
8037DF1C | GeoLayout1B | |
8037DFD4 | GeoLayout1C | |
8037DA5C | GeoLayout1D | |
8037DB50 | GeoLayout1E | |
8037D4DC | GeoLayout1F | |
8037E058 | GeoLayout20 | |
8037E2C4 | LevelScript00 | |
8037E388 | LevelScript01 | |
8037E404 | LevelScript02 | |
8037E47C | LevelScript03 | |
8037E4FC | LevelScript04 | |
8037E580 | LevelScript05 | |
8037E5B8 | LevelScript06 | |
8037E620 | LevelScript07 | |
8037E650 | LevelScript08 | |
8037E6D4 | LevelScript09 | |
8037E780 | LevelScript0A | |
8037E7F8 | LevelScript0B | |
8037E878 | LevelScript0C | |
8037E8E8 | LevelScript0D | |
8037E988 | LevelScript0E | |
8037EA18 | LevelScript0F | |
8037EA70 | LevelScript10 | |
8037EA98 | LevelScript11 | |
8037EB04 | LevelScript12 | |
8037EB98 | LevelScript13 | |
8037EBD4 | LevelScript14 | |
8037EC14 | LevelScript15 | |
8037EC54 | LevelScript16 | |
8037ECA4 | LevelScript17 | |
8037ECF8 | LevelScript18 | |
8037ED48 | LevelScript19 | |
8037EDF8 | LevelScript1A | |
8037EE48 | LevelScript1B | |
8037EEA8 | LevelScript1C | |
8037EF00 | LevelScript1D | |
8037EF70 | LevelScript1E | |
8037F010 | LevelScript1F | |
8037F130 | LevelScript20 | |
8037F164 | LevelScript21 | |
8037F214 | LevelScript22 | |
8037F2A4 | LevelScript23 | |
8037F36C | LevelScript25 | |
8037F45C | LevelScript24 | |
8037F67C | LevelScript26 | |
8037F994 | LevelScript27 | |
8037F790 | LevelScript28 | |
80380014 | LevelScript29 | |
8038007C | LevelScript2A | |
803800BC | LevelScript2B | |
80380160 | LevelScript2C | |
803801A0 | LevelScript2D | |
8037FE94 | LevelScript2E | |
8037FF14 | LevelScript2F | |
80380274 | LevelScript30 | |
8037F920 | LevelScript31 | |
8038024C | LevelScript32 | |
803801E0 | LevelScript33 | |
8037FDE4 | LevelScript34 | |
8037FE2C | LevelScript35 | |
80380300 | LevelScript36 | |
8038039C | LevelScript37 | |
803803EC | LevelScript38 | |
8037FF94 | LevelScript39 | |
8037FB18 | LevelScript3A | |
8037FC38 | LevelScript3B | |
80380434 | LevelScript3C | |
803805C8 | LevelScriptLoad | |
803854CC | Behavior00 | |
8038425C | Behavior01 | |
803841B8 | Behavior02 | |
80384224 | Behavior03 | |
8038438C | Behavior04 | |
80384450 | Behavior05 | |
803844C0 | Behavior06 | |
80384554 | Behavior07 | |
803845E8 | Behavior08 | |
80384634 | Behavior09 | |
80384188 | Behavior0A | |
803841A0 | Behavior0B | |
80384678 | Behavior0C | |
80384C5C | Behavior0D | |
803846D0 | Behavior0E | |
80384CF0 | Behavior0F | |
8038475C | Behavior10 | |
80384D70 | Behavior11 | |
80384E04 | Behavior12 | |
803849F8 | Behavior13 | |
80384854 | Behavior14 | |
80384928 | Behavior15 | |
80384AB4 | Behavior16 | |
80384B90 | Behavior17 | |
8038503C | Behavior18 | |
803850CC | Behavior19 | |
80385084 | Behavior1A | |
80383F24 | Behavior1B | |
80383F94 | Behavior1C | |
80384164 | Behavior1D | |
80384F8C | Behavior1E | |
80385114 | Behavior1F | |
803851D0 | Behavior20 | |
80383EE4 | Behavior21 | |
80383E5C | Behavior22 | |
8038528C | Behavior23 | |
8038546C | Behavior24 | |
803842E4 | Behavior25 | |
803843E0 | Behavior26 | |
80384E9C | Behavior27 | |
80384F08 | Behavior28 | |
803840B4 | Behavior29 | |
803856A0 | Behavior2A | |
803853AC | Behavior2B | |
8038401C | Behavior2C | |
80385700 | Behavior2D | |
8038531C | Behavior2E | |
8038575C | Behavior2F | |
8038586C | Behavior30 | |
803857A0 | Behavior31 | |
803857E4 | Behavior32 | |
80385A60 | Behavior33 | |
80385B4C | Behavior34 | |
80383EA0 | Behavior35 | |
803847D4 | Behavior36 | |
80385AF0 | Behavior37 | |
8024DB2C | InteractionCoin | 00000010: Coin |
8024DBF0 | InteractionHealth | 00010000: Replenishes health |
8024DC28 | InteractionStar | 00001000: Star |
8024DE4C | InteractionWarpShrink | 08000000: Warp (Mario shrinks in) |
8024DF10 | InteractionWarpHole | 00002000: Warp hole |
8024E0C4 | InteractionWarpDoor | 00000800: Warp door |
8024E420 | InteractionDoor | 00000004: Door |
8024E6EC | InteractionCannon | 00004000: Cannon |
8024E778 | InteractionNormal | 40000000: Normal |
8024E7D4 | InteractionSpin | 01000000: Makes Mario spin |
8024E8F0 | InteractionFall | 02000000: Makes Mario fall? |
8024E9D0 | InteractionBlowsAway | 00000400: Blows Mario away |
8024EAD8 | InteractionFlame | 00040000: Flame |
8024EC54 | InteractionDamage10000000 | 10000000: Damages Mario |
8024ED84 | InteractionDamage04000000 | 04000000: Damages Mario |
8024EE44 | InteractionBully | 00020000: Bully |
8024EFF8 | InteractionElectrocute | 20000000: Electrocutes Mario |
8024F354 | InteractionDamage | 00000080/00008000/00100000: Damages Mario (can be punched, bounced on) |
8024F170 | InteractionDamage00200000 | 00200000: Damages Mario |
8024F1E0 | InteractionDamage00400000 | 00400000: Damages Mario (can be punched and bounced on) |
8024F55C | InteractionDamageNormal | 00000008: Damages Mario (normal) |
8024F8BC | InteractionPole | 00000040: Pole |
8024FA60 | InteractionCanHang | 00000001: Mario can hang from it |
8024F5CC | InteractionCanBePunched | 00000200: Nothing (can be punched) |
8024F6A4 | InteractionKoopaShell | 00080000: Koopa shell |
8024F4AC | InteractionDamage00000100 | 00000100: Damages Mario (can be punched) |
8024FB30 | InteractionNothing | 00000020: Nothing? |
8024FD2C | InteractionCanBePickedUp | 00000002: Mario can pick it up |
80250198 | InteractionMessage | 00800000: Message |
80290D90 | CutScenePeachEnd0 | |
80290F8C | CutScenePeachEnd1 | |
80290E00 | CutScenePeachEnd2 | |
80290F1C | CutScenePeachEnd3 | |
80291108 | CutScenePeachEnd4 | |
80291354 | CutScenePeachEnd5 | |
8029142C | CutScenePeachEnd6 | |
80291514 | CutScenePeachEnd7 | |
802915D4 | CutScenePeachEnd8 | |
80291774 | CutScenePeachEnd9 | |
80291870 | CutScenePeachEndA | |
80291924 | CutScenePeachEndB | |
80291CD0 | CutSceneGrandStar0 | |
80292164 | CutSceneGrandStar1 | |
80290C1C | CutScene0FTodo_0 | |
80290C30 | CutScene0FTodo_1 | |
80299100 | CutSceneDoor0 | |
802991A8 | CutSceneDoorWarp1 | |
80297B84 | CutSceneEndWaving | |
80297C40 | CutSceneCredits | |
80299154 | CutSceneDoor1 | |
802991F0 | CutSceneDoor2 | |
802992CC | CutSceneDoor3 | |
80299360 | CutSceneDoor4 | |
80299404 | CutSceneDoorAB_2 | |
80298FE8 | CutSceneEnterCannon0 | |
80298D9C | CutSceneEnterCannon1 | |
80298D44 | CutSceneEnterCannon2 | |
80293C2C | CutSceneStarSpawn0 | |
80293CB0 | CutSceneStarSpawn1 | |
80293D5C | CutSceneStarSpawn2 | |
802942F0 | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn0 | |
802943D4 | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn1 | |
802984B4 | CutSceneEnterPainting | |
80298AF8 | CutSceneExitPainting0 | |
80298CCC | CutSceneExitPainting1 | |
80298BA0 | CutScene11Todo_0 | |
80298C2C | CutScene11Todo_1 | |
80297A64 | CutSceneIntroPeach0 | |
80297A38 | CutSceneIntroPeach1 | |
8029784C | CutSceneIntroPeach2 | |
80297908 | CutSceneIntroPeach3 | |
8029762C | CutSceneIntroPeach4 | |
80294A14 | CutScenePrepareCannon0 | |
80294A94 | CutScenePrepareCannon1 | |
80293E7C | CutSceneExitWaterfall0 | |
80293ED8 | CutSceneFallCommon | |
80293F70 | CutSceneFallToCastleGrounds0 | |
80295930 | CutSceneEnterPyramidTop0 | |
80290440 | CutScene26Todo_0 | |
802957C8 | CutScene26Todo_1 | |
80295894 | CutScene26Todo_2 | |
80294C5C | CutSceneDeath1 | |
80295418 | CutSceneEnterPool0 | |
80294DB4 | CutSceneDeath2 | |
80294EE8 | CutSceneBBHDeath | |
80294FEC | CutSceneQuicksandDeath0 | |
80295270 | CutScene1ATodo | |
80293944 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform0 | |
8029386C | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform1 | |
802938C8 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform2 | |
802924B8 | CutSceneStarDance1 | |
80293018 | CutSceneStarDance2 | |
80292A80 | CutSceneStarDance3 | |
8029338C | CutSceneKeyDance | |
80296FA8 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress | |
802983B4 | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen0 | |
80298458 | CutSceneSlidingDoubleDoorsOpen1 | |
802973B0 | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor0 | |
80296710 | CutSceneExitBowserSuccess0 | |
802967C4 | CutSceneExitNonPainting1 | |
802969F8 | CutScene1CTodo_0 | |
802968A0 | CutSceneBBHExitSuccess0 | |
80296B30 | CutSceneNonPaintingDeath0 | |
80295E8C | CutSceneDialog0 | |
80295FB0 | CutSceneDialog1 | |
80295FD8 | CutSceneDialog2 | |
80296160 | CutSceneReadMessage0 | |
802962C8 | CutSceneReadMessage1 | |
802962F0 | CutSceneReadMessage2 | |
80280810 | CameraChange01 | |
802816A0 | CameraChange02 | |
80282D78 | CameraChange03 | |
80283A68 | CameraChange040710 | |
80282C0C | CameraChange05 | |
80285808 | CameraChange06 | |
80283A18 | CameraChange08 | |
802850EC | CameraChange090F | |
80285ED8 | CameraChange0A | |
802826A0 | CameraChange0B | |
80281904 | CameraChange0C | |
80282280 | CameraChange0D | |
80280970 | CameraChange0E | |
80284D74 | CameraChange11 | |
80290C44 | CutScenePeachEnd80290C44 | |
80290C9C | CutScenePeachEnd80290C9C | |
80290E74 | CutScenePeachEnd80290E74 | |
80290EB0 | CutScenePeachEnd80290EB0 | |
80291074 | CutScenePeachEnd80291074 | |
802911C8 | CutScenePeachEnd802911C8 | |
80291208 | CutScenePeachEnd80291208 | |
802912B8 | CutScenePeachEnd802912B8 | |
8029127C | CutScenePeachEnd8029127C | |
802914CC | CutScenePeachEnd802914CC | |
80291654 | CutScenePeachEnd80291654 | |
802916B8 | CutScenePeachEnd802916B8 | |
802917E4 | CutScenePeachEnd802917E4 | |
8029184C | CutScenePeachEnd8029184C | |
80291964 | CutSceneGrandStar80291964 | |
802919DC | CutSceneGrandStar802919DC | |
80291C3C | CutSceneGrandStar80291C3C | |
80291AB4 | CutSceneGrandStar80291AB4 | |
80291B18 | CutSceneGrandStar80291B18 | |
80291B68 | CutSceneGrandStar80291B68 | |
80291BF4 | CutSceneGrandStar80291BF4 | |
80291DB0 | CutSceneGrandStar80291DB0 | |
80291E84 | CutSceneGrandStar80291E84 | |
80291F18 | CutSceneGrandStar80291F18 | |
80292038 | CutSceneGrandStar80292038 | |
80292414 | CutSceneStarDance80292414 | |
8029228C | CutSceneDance8029228C | |
80292484 | CutSceneStarDance80292484 | |
8029244C | CutSceneStarDance8029244C | |
80292324 | CutSceneStarDance80292324 | |
80292370 | CutSceneStarDance80292370 | |
802923B8 | CutSceneStarDance802923B8 | |
802926DC | CutSceneStarDance802926DC | |
802927D0 | CutSceneStarDance802927D0 | |
80292868 | CutSceneStarDance80292868 | |
80292974 | CutSceneStarDance80292974 | |
80292A20 | CutSceneStarDance80292A20 | |
80292A4C | CutSceneStarDance80292A4C | |
80292C00 | CutSceneStarDance80292C00 | |
80292E2C | CutSceneStarDance80292E2C | |
80292D80 | CutSceneStarDance80292D80 | |
80292F40 | CutSceneStarDance80292F40 | |
80292F98 | CutSceneStarDance80292F98 | |
80292FE4 | CutSceneStarDance80292FE4 | |
80293354 | CutSceneKeyDance80293354 | |
80293164 | CutSceneKeyDance80293164 | |
802931C0 | CutSceneKeyDance802931C0 | |
80293220 | CutSceneKeyDance80293220 | |
8029328C | CutSceneKeyDance8029328C | |
802930F0 | CutSceneKeyDance802930F0 | |
802932F4 | CutSceneKeyDance802932F4 | |
80293328 | CutSceneKeyDance80293328 | |
80290A5C | CutSceneEnterSomething80290A5C | |
802937E8 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform802937E8 | |
80293488 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform80293488 | |
802936DC | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform802936DC | |
80293734 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform80293734 | |
802934B4 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform802934B4 | |
802934D8 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform802934D8 | |
8029369C | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform8029369C | |
80293624 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform80293624 | |
80293548 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform80293548 | |
802935E0 | CutSceneEnterBowserPlatform802935E0 | |
80293ABC | CutSceneStarSpawn80293ABC | |
80293AE8 | CutSceneStarSpawn80293AE8 | |
80293B70 | CutSceneStarSpawn80293B70 | |
80293BF4 | CutSceneStarSpawn80293BF4 | |
80293D90 | CutSceneExitWaterfall80293D90 | |
80293DD4 | CutScene80293DD4 | |
80293F2C | CutSceneFallToCastleGrounds80293F2C | |
80293FCC | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn80293FCC | |
8029410C | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn8029410C | |
80294024 | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn80294024 | |
80294088 | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn80294088 | |
802940CC | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn802940CC | |
802942CC | CutSceneSpecialStarSpawn802942CC | |
80294718 | CutScenePrepareCannon80294718 | |
802947A4 | CutScenePrepareCannon802947A4 | |
802948A0 | CutScenePrepareCannon802948A0 | |
80294BB4 | CutSceneDeath80294BB4 | |
80294C28 | CutSceneDeath80294C28 | |
80294CC4 | CutSceneDeath80294CC4 | |
80294D48 | CutSceneDeath80294D48 | |
80294E24 | CutSceneBBHDeath80294E24 | |
80294EA8 | CutSceneBBHDeath80294EA8 | |
80294F58 | CutSceneQuicksandDeath80294F58 | |
80294F94 | CutSceneQuicksandDeath80294F94 | |
802951F0 | CutScene1ATodo802951F0 | |
80295140 | CutScene1ATodo80295140 | |
802950B0 | CutScene1ATodo802950B0 | |
80295310 | CutSceneEnterPool80295310 | |
802953DC | CutSceneEnterPool802953DC | |
80295480 | CutScene26Todo80295480 | |
80295518 | CutScene26Todo80295518 | |
80295580 | CutScene26Todo80295580 | |
80295670 | CutScene26Todo80295670 | |
802954EC | CutScene26Todo802954EC | |
8029576C | CutScene26Todo8029576C | |
80295740 | CutScene26Todo80295740 | |
802958D4 | CutSceneEnterPyramidTop802958D4 | |
80295A58 | CutSceneDialog80295A58 | |
80295BF0 | CutSceneDialog80295BF0 | |
80295E24 | CutSceneDialog80295E24 | |
80296020 | CutSceneReadMessage80296020 | |
80296318 | CutSceneExitSuccess80296318 | |
802963B8 | CutSceneExitSuccess802963B8 | |
8029665C | CutSceneExitSuccess8029665C | |
8029652C | CutSceneExitSuccess8029652C | |
8029669C | CutSceneExitBowserSuccess8029669C | |
802966E4 | CutSceneExitSuccess802966E4 | |
8029685C | CutSceneBBHExitSuccess8029685C | |
8029695C | CutSceneNonPaintingDeath8029695C | |
80296A64 | CutSceneNonPaintingDeath80296A64 | |
80296BC8 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296BC8 | |
80296DA8 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296DA8 | |
80296EB4 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296EB4 | |
80296C4C | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296C4C | |
80296D60 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296D60 | |
80296F38 | CutSceneCapSwitchPress80296F38 | |
80297148 | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor80297148 | |
8029720C | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor8029720C | |
80297300 | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor80297300 | |
80297384 | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor80297384 | |
80297290 | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor80297290 | |
802972EC | CutSceneUnlockKeyDoor802972EC | |
80297820 | CutSceneIntroPeach80297820 | |
802904E4 | CutSceneIntroPeach802904E4 | |
802975C4 | CutSceneIntroPeach802975C4 | |
80297728 | CutSceneIntroPeach80297728 | |
80297784 | CutSceneIntroPeach80297784 | |
802976BC | CutSceneIntroPeach802976BC | |
802977C8 | CutSceneIntroPeach802977C8 | |
802977F4 | CutSceneIntroPeach802977F4 | |
80297748 | CutSceneIntroPeach80297748 | |
802904A8 | CutSceneIntroPeach802904A8 | |
80297560 | CutSceneIntroPeach80297560 | |
8029758C | CutSceneIntroPeach8029758C | |
80297B58 | CutSceneEndWaving80297B58 | |
80297C14 | CutSceneCredits80297C14 | |
802980DC | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen802980DC | |
8029819C | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen8029819C | |
80298218 | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen80298218 | |
80298254 | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen80298254 | |
80298290 | CutSceneSlidingDoorsOpen80298290 | |
802984A0 | CutSceneEnterPainting802984A0 | |
802987B0 | CutSceneExitPainting802987B0 | |
8029894C | CutSceneExitPainting8029894C | |
802989E8 | CutSceneExitPainting802989E8 | |