The star select screen is rendered using a combination of geo layout functions and behaviors for the stars. Much of the screen uses custom asm to generate the F3D display lists.
The main menu level script (2A6120-2A65B0) contains the level script for the act selector starting at 2A6238. This includes a check on course number (asm 8024BE14), a geo layout for the star select screen (seg 14000408, ROM 2A6528), and a behavior for the spinning stars (seg 13003048, ROM 21CE48).
The level script for the star act selector starts at 0x2A6238.
2A6238 [118] AccumAsm1 11 08 0000 8024BE14 2A6240 [120] CondJump 0C 0C 0200 00000000 140001C0 2A624C [12C] StartLoad 1B 04 0000 2A6250 [130] LoadASM 16 10 0000 8016F000 0021F4C0 00269EA0 2A6260 [140] MIO0->Seg 18 0C 0007 002A65B0 002ABCA0 2A626C [14C] EndLoad 1D 04 0000 2A6270 [150] StartArea 1F 08 0200 14000408 2A6278 [158] PlaceObj 24 18 1F00 24181F00 0000FF9C 00000000 00000000 04000000 13003048 2A6290 [170] Collision 2E 08 0000 0700DE30 2A6298 [178] EndArea 20 04 0000 2A629C [17C] 1E 04 0000 2A62A0 [180] 29 04 0200 2A62A4 [184] FadeColor 33 08 0010 FFFFFF00 2A62AC [18C] Delay03 03 04 0010 2A62B0 [190] Music37 37 04 000D 2A62B4 [194] AccumAsm1 11 08 0000 80177560 2A62BC [19C] AccumAsm2 12 08 0000 80177610 2A62C4 [1A4] GetPut 3C 04 0002 2A62C8 [1A8] 38 04 00BE 2A62CC [1AC] FadeColor 33 08 0110 FFFFFF00 2A62D4 [1B4] Delay03 03 04 0010 2A62D8 [1B8] 1C 04 0000 2A62DC [1BC] Delay04 04 04 0001 2A62E0 [1C0] EndLevel 02 04 0000
The geo layout for the act selector is defined by the StartArea 0x1F level command above (seg 14000408, ROM 2A6528)
0x0800000A, 0x00A00078, 0x00A00078 0x04000000 0x0C000000 0x04000000 0x09000064 0x04000000 0x1900FFFF, 0x00000000 // BG color (RGBA) = white 0x05000000 0x05000000 0x0C010000 0x04000000 0x0A00002D, 0x006461A8 0x04000000 0x0F000000, 0x00000000, 0x03E80000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 0x04000000 0x17000000 0x05000000 0x05000000 0x05000000 0x0C000000 0x04000000 0x18000000, Geo18_80177518 // renders 2D text and course texture 0x05000000 0x05000000 0x01000000
The rotating star behavior contains two ASM routines 80176B20 and 80176DF0 which generate the act selection stars and rotate the selected star.
00 08 00 00 11 01 00 01 0C 00 00 00 80176B20 // ROM: 0x226FE0, Creates menu stars 08 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 80176DF0 // ROM: 0x2272B0, Rotate stars/select act 09 00 00 00