
Similar to Levels and Vehicles, Buildings are each stored in two compressed gzip files, one containing information about the building structure and the other the display list for how the building is rendered. Each building has an ID (0-277) associated with it that is referenced by the Level data.

Buildings Table

The building ID is used to index into the building lookup table. The table starts at ROM offset 6EC4C0 which contain offsets which point to the buildings' .raw.gz files relative to that base offset. Each building record offset in the table is 4-bytes.

For example, building ID 002 (Angel City Burger Shop):

(002 * 4) + 6EC4C0 = 6EC4C8
Table record at 6EC4C8 is 000012E0
000012E0 + 6EC4C0 = 6ED7A0 (starting base of laburger1.raw)

List of Buildings

ID File Description
000 lamisc1 Angel City Fences #1
001 lapetrol1 Angel City Petrol Station
002 laburger1 Angel City Burger Shop
003 laorph6 Angel City Building with Stairs #1
004 lashop2 Angel City Shop #1
005 lamisc2 Angel City Shop #1 Fences
006 lagrage4 Angel City Building #1
007 lamisc4 Angel City Building #1 Fences
008 laflat5 Angel City Building #2
009 lawine5 Angel City Building #3
010 lamisc5 Angel City Building #3 Fences
011 laflat3 Angel City Building #4
012 lamisc3 Angel City Building #4 Fences
013 lashop8 Angel City Shop #1
014 laflat8 Angel City Shop #1 Fences
015 labigo7 Angel City Building with Stairs #2
016 lanicl7 Angel City Garage
017 laflat7 Angel City Building #5
018 laflat9 Angel City Building #6 (Unused)
019 laflt10 Angel City Building #7
020 laflt11 Angel City Building #8
021 laorph12 Angel City Building with Stairs #3
022 laflt13 Angel City Building #9 (Unused)
023 laflt14 Angel City Building #10
024 lamsc14 Angel City Building #10 Fences
025 laflt15 Angel City Building #11
026 lamsc16 Angel City Fences #2
027 ladrm16 Angel City Oil Drum Fire
028 laflt17 Angel City Building #12
029 chrod17 Simian Acres American Dream Car (Destroyable) (Unused)
030 chlx7a Simian Acres Track Sign
031 chsta5 Simian Acres Building #1 (Unused)
032 chbar8 Simian Acres Barn #1
033 chmisc8 Simian Acres Barn #1 Fences
034 chwag8 Simian Acres Wagon
035 chshd6 Simian Acres Building #2
036 chbog9 Simian Acres Toilet
037 chbat6 Simian Acres Bathtub
038 chmisc6 Simian Acres Fences
039 chwin5 Simian Acres Windmill
040 chbur9 Simian Acres Building #3
041 chmisc9 Simian Acres Building #3 Fences (Unused)
042 chhse3 Simian Acres Building #4
043 chmisc3 Simian Acres Building #4 Fences
044 chlfa12 Simian Acres Barn #2
045 chmsc12 Simian Acres Barn #2 Fences
046 chtra12 Simian Acres Tractor (Unused)
047 chgin14 Simian Acres Building #5
048 chhar15 Simian Acres Building #6
049 chhor10 Simian Acres Barn #3
050 lacar1 Angel City Black Car (Destroyable) (Unused)
051 docno1 Carrick Point Container (Red) (Unused)
052 docng1 Carrick Point Container (Green) (Unused)
053 docnw1 Carrick Point Container (Whites) (Unused)
054 moiron1 Carrick Point Metal Plates
055 truck4 Backlash (Unused)
056 trucker3US (U) / trucker3 (J) Blast Corps Semi
057 chgun16 Simian Acres Building #7
058 chmsc16 Simian Acres Building #7 Fences (Unused)
059 chhut16 Simian Acres Wooden Container
060 chhse17 Simian Acres Gas Station House
061 chgar17 Simian Acres Gas Station Garage
062 chgas17 Simian Acres Gas Station
063 chhut17 Simian Acres Gas Station Hut
064 chmsc17 Simian Acres Gas Station Sign
065 chsha18 Simian Acres Building #9
066 chmsc18 Simian Acres Building #9 Fences
067 chmsc19 Simian Acres Fences#1
068 chhse18 Simian Acres Building #9 House
069 chgar18 Simian Acres Building #9 Garage
070 chhse20 Simian Acres Building #11
071 chmsc20 Simian Acres Building #11 Fences
072 chhse21 Simian Acres Building #12
073 chmsc21 Simian Acres Building #12 Fences
074 chhot22 Simian Acres Building #13
075 chmsc22 Simian Acres Building #13 Fences
076 chhse23 Simian Acres Building #14
077 chmsc23 Simian Acres Building #14 Fences (Unused)
078 chhse24 Simian Acres Building #15
079 chbar25 Simian Acres Building #16
080 chmsc25 Simian Acres Building #16 Fences
081 chmsc26 Simian Acres Building #17 (Unused)
082 chhut26 Simian Acres Building #17
083 chmsc27 Simian Acres Building #18 Fences
084 chhut27 Simian Acres Building #18
085 chmsc28 Simian Acres Fences #2
086 chhse29 Simian Acres Building #19
087 chhut30 Simian Acres Building #20 Hut
088 chhse30 Simian Acres Building #20
089 chmsc30 Simian Acres Building #20 Fences
090 chhse31 Simian Acres Building #21
091 chmsc31 Simian Acres Building #21 Fences (Unused)
092 chhse32 Simian Acres Building #22 (Unused)
093 chmsc32 Simian Acres Building #22 Fences (Unused)
094 chhse33 Simian Acres Building #23
095 chtreel Simian Acres Tree #1 (Tall) (Unused)
096 chtrees Simian Acres Tree #2 (Small) (Unused)
097 labigo2 Angel City Building #13
098 movan1 Carrick Point Building #1
099 mocono1 Carrick Point Orange Container (Unused)
100 moconr1 Carrick Point Container (Red)
101 moconw1 Carrick Point Container (White)
102 mocong1 Carrick Point Container (Green)
103 mocrat1 Carrick Point Wooden Box
104 mogas1 Carrick Point Gas Tank (Blue)
105 mogas2 Carrick Point Gas Tank (Red)
106 moconr2 Carrick Point Container (Red)
107 moconb2 Carrick Point Container (Blue)
108 moconw2 Carrick Point Container (White)
109 mocono2 Carrick Point Container (Orange)
110 mocong2 Carrick Point Container (Green)
111 mowhwr Carrick Point Building #1 (White Roof)
112 mowhbo Carrick Point Building #1 (Blue Roof)
113 mowhrr Carrick Point Building #1 (Red Roof)
114 mowhwo Carrick Point Building #1 (White Roof) (Unused)
115 mohhwb Carrick Point Building #2
116 mosid1l Carrick Point Long Building #1
117 mosid1r Carrick Point Long Building #2
118 mostep1 Havoc District Building #1
119 mosky1 Havoc District Building #2
120 mosky2 Havoc District Building #3
121 mosky3 Havoc District Building #4
122 mosky4 Havoc District Building #5
123 mosky5 Havoc District Building #6
124 mosky6 Havoc District Building #7 Part 1/2
125 mosky7 Havoc District Building #7 Part 2/2
126 mosky8 Havoc District Building #8 Part 1/2
127 mosky9 Havoc District Building #8 Part 2/2
128 mosky10 Havoc District Building #9 Part 1/3
129 mosky11 Havoc District Building #9 Part 2/3
130 mosky12 Havoc District Building #9 Part 3/3
131 chfact1 Outland Farm Building #1
132 chwhse1 Outland Farm Building #2
133 chwhse2 Outland Farm Building #3
134 chwhse3 Outland Farm Building #4
135 chconc1 Outland Farm Silo (Set of 3)
136 chsilo Outland Farm Silo
137 laorphx Blackridge Works Building #1
138 lacab1 Blackridge Works Building #2
139 laslid1 Blackridge Works Building #3
140 laconc1 Blackridge Works Silo (Set of 3)
141 labuil1 Blackridge Works Building #4
142 lastor1 Blackridge Works Building #5
143 lamscf Blackridge Works Fence
144 chpost1 Small Rectangular (Vertical) (Unused)
145 chdes3 Oyster Harbor Building #1
146 modam2 Oyster Harbor Metal Crate
147 dsout1 Blackridge Works Large Orange Rectangular (Unused)
148 dspylot1 Blackridge Works Tall Pyramid (Unused)
149 laft15b Blackridge Works Decorations #1
150 mocons1 Carrick Point Containers #1
151 mocons2 Carrick Point Containers #2
152 mocons3 Carrick Point Containers #3
153 mocons4 Carrick Point Containers #4
154 mocons5 Carrick Point Containers #5
155 mocons6 Carrick Point Containers #6
156 mboat1 Carrick Point Ship #1
157 mosid2t Carrick Point Long Building #1 (Unused)
158 mosid2b Carrick Point Long Building #2 (Unused)
159 mosid3l Carrick Point Long Building #3
160 mosid3r Carrick Point Long Building #4
161 mosid5t Carrick Point Long Building #5
162 mosid5b Carrick Point Long Building #6
163 mosid6t Carrick Point Long Building #7
164 mosid6b Carrick Point Long Building #8
165 mocast2 Carrick Point Castle
166 mocran1 Carrick Point Crane (Unused)
167 mocran2 Carrick Point Crane (Unused)
168 moboat2 Carrick Point Ship #2
169 labigox Blackridge Works Decorations #2
170 chhseb Building
171 lasup1 Tempest City Wall Block
172 lamsc10 Tempest City Decorations
173 chvalfm Tempest City Fences
174 mohot1 Ebony Coast Building #1
175 mohot2 Ebony Coast Building #2
176 mohot3 Ebony Coast Building #3
177 chhse40 Building
178 chhse41 Building
179 la2gsx Tempest City Building #1
180 mohot4 Ebony Coast Building #4
181 mohot5 Ebony Coast Building #5
182 token1 Cue
183 moart1 Havoc District Red Statue
184 larock1 Tempest City Gray Boxes #1
185 larock2 Tempest City Gray Boxes #2
186 ball1 Sphere
187 ball2 Sphere (Dark)
188 ball3 Sphere (Light)
189 float1 Raft
190 cohse1 Long Building #1 (Unused)
191 cohse2 Long Building #2 (Unused)
192 lablk1 Saline
193 stbac1 Beeton Tracks Building
194 stbar1 Beeton Tracks Blockade
195 stdnut1 Beeton Tracks Donut Shop
196 stgls1 Beeton Tracks Glass Roof
197 stncp1 Beeton Tracks Crane Building
198 ststat1 Beeton Tracks Building With Glass Roof
199 cochim1 Gray Thing #1 (Unused)
200 cohut1 Wood Huts (Set of 2)
201 copit1 Gray Thing #2 (Unused)
202 palite2 Havoc District Lighthouse
203 pacran1 Havoc District Crane (Unused)
204 lafire3 Argent Tower Building #1
205 lafire4 Argent Tower Building #2
206 lanewf3 Argent Tower Building #3
207 lasky1 Argent Tower Building #4
208 lasky2 Argent Tower Building #5
209 door1 Argent Towers Door
210 door2 Argent Towers Door (Set of 2)
211 mohot1a Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 1/4
212 mohot1b Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 2/4
213 mohot1c Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 3/4
214 mohot1d Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 4/4
215 mohot2a Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 1/4
216 mohot2b Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 2/4
217 mohot2c Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 3/4
218 mohot2d Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 4/4
219 mohot3a Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 1/4
220 mohot3b Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 2/4
221 mohot3c Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 3/4
222 mohot3d Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 4/4
223 head1 Ebony Coast Island Statue #1
224 head2 Ebony Coast Island Statue #2
225 head3 Ebony Coast Island Statue #3
226 head4 Ebony Coast Island Statue #4
227 mostat1 Ebony Coast Station Building
228 cork1 Ebony Coast Stone Block
229 ghdig1 Pac-Truck (Red)
230 mocrat2 Wood Box
231 ghdig2 Pac-Truck (Blue)
232 ghdig3 Pac-Truck (Green)
233 ghdig4 Pac-Truck (Yellow)
234 modam3 Oyster Harbor Metal Crates
235 cohse3 Ironstone Mine Long Building #1
236 cohse4 Ironstone Mine Long Building #2
237 cohse5 Ironstone Mine Long Building #3
238 cohse6 Ironstone Mine Long Building #4
239 cosqr1 Ironstone Mine Donut-Building
240 coshd1 Ironstone Mine Building #1
241 cohut1 Ironstone Mine Wood Huts (Set of 2)
242 costor2 Ironstone Mine Wood Hut
243 colong2 Ironstone Mine Long Building #5 (Triangular Shaped Roof)
244 cochim2 Ironstone Mine Chimney
245 copit2 Ironstone Mine Tall Building with Wheel
246 cosid4 Ironstone Mine Building #2
247 cofact2 Ironstone Mine Building #3
248 corail2 Ironstone Mine Long Building #4
249 spcen1 Moon Machines Center
250 sparmn1 Moon Machines Box with Pipe #1
251 sparme1 Moon Machines Box with Pipe #2
252 sparmw1 Moon Machines Box with Pipe #3
253 sparms1 Moon Machines Box with Pipe #4
254 spbox1 Moon Red Box
255 spsola1 Moon Antenna #1
256 spsola2 Moon Antenna #2
257 spsola3 Moon Antenna #3
258 spcons1 Moon Boxes (Set of 4)
259 spcons2 Moon Boxes (Set of 8)
260 spcons3 Moon Boxes (Set of 4)
261 spflt1 Moon Building
262 shnob1 Shuttle Island Shuttle Bridge
263 destflt1 Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 1/4
264 destflt2 Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 2/4
265 desnew1 Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 3/4
266 desnew2 Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 4/4
267 desnew3 Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 1/3
268 desnew4 Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 2/3
269 destow1 Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 3/3
270 laezflat Building
271 lapump1 Gas Station (Black)
272 chpump1 Gas Station (Red)
273 endsid1 End Sequence Rocks #1
274 endsid2 End Sequence Rocks #2
275 endsid3 End Sequence Rocks #3
276 endsid4 End Sequence Rocks #4
277 endsid5 End Sequence Rocks #5
