This is an old revision of the document!
Similar to Levels and Vehicles, Buildings are each stored in two compressed gzip files, one containing information about the building structure and the other the display list for how the building is rendered. Each building has an ID (0-277) associated with it that is referenced by the Level data.
The building ID is used to index into the building lookup table. The table starts at ROM offset 6EC4C0 which contain offsets which point to the buildings' .raw.gz files relative to that base offset. Each building record offset in the table is 4-bytes.
For example, building ID 002 (Angel City Burger Shop):
(002 * 4) + 6EC4C0 = 6EC4C8 Table record at 6EC4C8 is 000012E0 000012E0 + 6EC4C0 = 6ED7A0 (starting base of laburger1.raw)
ID | File | Description |
000 | lamisc1 | Angel City Fences #1 |
001 | lapetrol1 | Angel City Petrol Station |
002 | laburger1 | Angel City Burger Shop |
003 | laorph6 | Angel City Building with Stairs #1 |
004 | lashop2 | Angel City Shop #1 |
005 | lamisc2 | Angel City Shop #1 Fences |
006 | lagrage4 | Angel City Building #1 |
007 | lamisc4 | Angel City Building #1 Fences |
008 | laflat5 | Angel City Building #2 |
009 | lawine5 | Angel City Building #3 |
010 | lamisc5 | Angel City Building #3 Fences |
011 | laflat3 | Angel City Building #4 |
012 | lamisc3 | Angel City Building #4 Fences |
013 | lashop8 | Angel City Shop #1 |
014 | laflat8 | Angel City Shop #1 Fences |
015 | labigo7 | Angel City Building with Stairs #2 |
016 | lanicl7 | Angel City Garage |
017 | laflat7 | Angel City Building #5 |
018 | laflat9 | Angel City Building #6 (Unused) |
019 | laflt10 | Angel City Building #7 |
020 | laflt11 | Angel City Building #8 |
021 | laorph12 | Angel City Building with Stairs #3 |
022 | laflt13 | Angel City Building #9 (Unused) |
023 | laflt14 | Angel City Building #10 |
024 | lamsc14 | Angel City Building #10 Fences |
025 | laflt15 | Angel City Building #11 |
026 | lamsc16 | Angel City Fences #2 |
027 | ladrm16 | Angel City Oil Drum Fire |
028 | laflt17 | Angel City Building #12 |
029 | chrod17 | Simian Acres American Dream Car (Destroyable) (Unused) |
030 | chlx7a | Simian Acres Track Sign |
031 | chsta5 | Simian Acres Building #1 (Unused) |
032 | chbar8 | Simian Acres Barn #1 |
033 | chmisc8 | Simian Acres Barn #1 Fences |
034 | chwag8 | Simian Acres Wagon |
035 | chshd6 | Simian Acres Building #2 |
036 | chbog9 | Simian Acres Toilet |
037 | chbat6 | Simian Acres Bathtub |
038 | chmisc6 | Simian Acres Fences |
039 | chwin5 | Simian Acres Windmill |
040 | chbur9 | Simian Acres Building #3 |
041 | chmisc9 | Simian Acres Building #3 Fences (Unused) |
042 | chhse3 | Simian Acres Building #4 |
043 | chmisc3 | Simian Acres Building #4 Fences |
044 | chlfa12 | Simian Acres Barn #2 |
045 | chmsc12 | Simian Acres Barn #2 Fences |
046 | chtra12 | Simian Acres Tractor (Unused) |
047 | chgin14 | Simian Acres Building #5 |
048 | chhar15 | Simian Acres Building #6 |
049 | chhor10 | Simian Acres Barn #3 |
050 | lacar1 | Angel City Black Car (Destroyable) (Unused) |
051 | docno1 | Carrick Point Container (Red) (Unused) |
052 | docng1 | Carrick Point Container (Green) (Unused) |
053 | docnw1 | Carrick Point Container (Whites) (Unused) |
054 | moiron1 | Carrick Point Metal Plates |
055 | truck4 | Backlash (Unused) |
056 | trucker3US (U) / trucker3 (J) | Blast Corps Semi |
057 | chgun16 | Simian Acres Building #7 |
058 | chmsc16 | Simian Acres Building #7 Fences (Unused) |
059 | chhut16 | Simian Acres Wooden Container |
060 | chhse17 | Simian Acres Gas Station House |
061 | chgar17 | Simian Acres Gas Station Garage |
062 | chgas17 | Simian Acres Gas Station |
063 | chhut17 | Simian Acres Gas Station Hut |
064 | chmsc17 | Simian Acres Gas Station Sign |
065 | chsha18 | Simian Acres Building #9 |
066 | chmsc18 | Simian Acres Building #9 Fences |
067 | chmsc19 | Simian Acres Fences#1 |
068 | chhse18 | Simian Acres Building #9 House |
069 | chgar18 | Simian Acres Building #9 Garage |
070 | chhse20 | Simian Acres Building #11 |
071 | chmsc20 | Simian Acres Building #11 Fences |
072 | chhse21 | Simian Acres Building #12 |
073 | chmsc21 | Simian Acres Building #12 Fences |
074 | chhot22 | Simian Acres Building #13 |
075 | chmsc22 | Simian Acres Building #13 Fences |
076 | chhse23 | Simian Acres Building #14 |
077 | chmsc23 | Simian Acres Building #14 Fences (Unused) |
078 | chhse24 | Simian Acres Building #15 |
079 | chbar25 | Simian Acres Building #16 |
080 | chmsc25 | Simian Acres Building #16 Fences |
081 | chmsc26 | Simian Acres Building #17 (Unused) |
082 | chhut26 | Simian Acres Building #17 |
083 | chmsc27 | Simian Acres Building #18 Fences |
084 | chhut27 | Simian Acres Building #18 |
085 | chmsc28 | Simian Acres Fences #2 |
086 | chhse29 | Simian Acres Building #19 |
087 | chhut30 | Simian Acres Building #20 Hut |
088 | chhse30 | Simian Acres Building #20 |
089 | chmsc30 | Simian Acres Building #20 Fences |
090 | chhse31 | Simian Acres Building #21 |
091 | chmsc31 | Simian Acres Building #21 Fences (Unused) |
092 | chhse32 | Simian Acres Building #22 (Unused) |
093 | chmsc32 | Simian Acres Building #22 Fences (Unused) |
094 | chhse33 | Simian Acres Building #23 |
095 | chtreel | Simian Acres Tree #1 (Tall) (Unused) |
096 | chtrees | Simian Acres Tree #2 (Small) (Unused) |
097 | labigo2 | Angel City Building #13 |
098 | movan1 | Carrick Point Building #1 |
099 | mocono1 | Carrick Point Orange Container (Unused) |
100 | moconr1 | Carrick Point Container (Red) |
101 | moconw1 | Carrick Point Container (White) |
102 | mocong1 | Carrick Point Container (Green) |
103 | mocrat1 | Carrick Point Wooden Box |
104 | mogas1 | Carrick Point Gas Tank (Blue) |
105 | mogas2 | Carrick Point Gas Tank (Red) |
106 | moconr2 | Carrick Point Container (Red) |
107 | moconb2 | Carrick Point Container (Blue) |
108 | moconw2 | Carrick Point Container (White) |
109 | mocono2 | Carrick Point Container (Orange) |
110 | mocong2 | Carrick Point Container (Green) |
111 | mowhwr | Carrick Point Building #1 (White Roof) |
112 | mowhbo | Carrick Point Building #1 (Blue Roof) |
113 | mowhrr | Carrick Point Building #1 (Red Roof) |
114 | mowhwo | Carrick Point Building #1 (White Roof) (Unused) |
115 | mohhwb | Carrick Point Building #2 |
116 | mosid1l | Carrick Point Long Building #1 |
117 | mosid1r | Carrick Point Long Building #2 |
118 | mostep1 | Havoc District Building #1 |
119 | mosky1 | Havoc District Building #2 |
120 | mosky2 | Havoc District Building #3 |
121 | mosky3 | Havoc District Building #4 |
122 | mosky4 | Havoc District Building #5 |
123 | mosky5 | Havoc District Building #6 |
124 | mosky6 | Havoc District Building #7 Part 1/2 |
125 | mosky7 | Havoc District Building #7 Part 2/2 |
126 | mosky8 | Havoc District Building #8 Part 1/2 |
127 | mosky9 | Havoc District Building #8 Part 2/2 |
128 | mosky10 | Havoc District Building #9 Part 1/3 |
129 | mosky11 | Havoc District Building #9 Part 2/3 |
130 | mosky12 | Havoc District Building #9 Part 3/3 |
131 | chfact1 | Outland Farm Building #1 |
132 | chwhse1 | Outland Farm Building #2 |
133 | chwhse2 | Outland Farm Building #3 |
134 | chwhse3 | Outland Farm Building #4 |
135 | chconc1 | Outland Farm Silo (Set of 3) |
136 | chsilo | Outland Farm Silo |
137 | laorphx | Blackridge Works Building #1 |
138 | lacab1 | Blackridge Works Building #2 |
139 | laslid1 | Blackridge Works Building #3 |
140 | laconc1 | Blackridge Works Silo (Set of 3) |
141 | labuil1 | Blackridge Works Building #4 |
142 | lastor1 | Blackridge Works Building #5 |
143 | lamscf | Blackridge Works Fence |
144 | chpost1 | Small Rectangular (Vertical) (Unused) |
145 | chdes3 | Oyster Harbor Building #1 |
146 | modam2 | Oyster Harbor Metal Crate |
147 | dsout1 | Blackridge Works Large Orange Rectangular (Unused) |
148 | dspylot1 | Blackridge Works Tall Pyramid (Unused) |
149 | laft15b | Blackridge Works Decorations #1 |
150 | mocons1 | Carrick Point Containers #1 |
151 | mocons2 | Carrick Point Containers #2 |
152 | mocons3 | Carrick Point Containers #3 |
153 | mocons4 | Carrick Point Containers #4 |
154 | mocons5 | Carrick Point Containers #5 |
155 | mocons6 | Carrick Point Containers #6 |
156 | mboat1 | Carrick Point Ship #1 |
157 | mosid2t | Carrick Point Long Building #1 (Unused) |
158 | mosid2b | Carrick Point Long Building #2 (Unused) |
159 | mosid3l | Carrick Point Long Building #3 |
160 | mosid3r | Carrick Point Long Building #4 |
161 | mosid5t | Carrick Point Long Building #5 |
162 | mosid5b | Carrick Point Long Building #6 |
163 | mosid6t | Carrick Point Long Building #7 |
164 | mosid6b | Carrick Point Long Building #8 |
165 | mocast2 | Carrick Point Castle |
166 | mocran1 | Carrick Point Crane (Unused) |
167 | mocran2 | Carrick Point Crane (Unused) |
168 | moboat2 | Carrick Point Ship #2 |
169 | labigox | Blackridge Works Decorations #2 |
170 | chhseb | Building |
171 | lasup1 | Tempest City Wall Block |
172 | lamsc10 | Tempest City Decorations |
173 | chvalfm | Tempest City Fences |
174 | mohot1 | Ebony Coast Building #1 |
175 | mohot2 | Ebony Coast Building #2 |
176 | mohot3 | Ebony Coast Building #3 |
177 | chhse40 | Building |
178 | chhse41 | Building |
179 | la2gsx | Tempest City Building #1 |
180 | mohot4 | Ebony Coast Building #4 |
181 | mohot5 | Ebony Coast Building #5 |
182 | token1 | Cue |
183 | moart1 | Havoc District Red Statue |
184 | larock1 | Tempest City Gray Boxes #1 |
185 | larock2 | Tempest City Gray Boxes #2 |
186 | ball1 | Sphere |
187 | ball2 | Sphere (Dark) |
188 | ball3 | Sphere (Light) |
189 | float1 | Raft |
190 | cohse1 | Long Building #1 (Unused) |
191 | cohse2 | Long Building #2 (Unused) |
192 | lablk1 | Saline |
193 | stbac1 | Beeton Tracks Building |
194 | stbar1 | Beeton Tracks Blockade |
195 | stdnut1 | Beeton Tracks Donut Shop |
196 | stgls1 | Beeton Tracks Glass Roof |
197 | stncp1 | Beeton Tracks Crane Building |
198 | ststat1 | Beeton Tracks Building With Glass Roof |
199 | cochim1 | Gray Thing #1 (Unused) |
200 | cohut1 | Wood Huts (Set of 2) |
201 | copit1 | Gray Thing #2 (Unused) |
202 | palite2 | Havoc District Lighthouse |
203 | pacran1 | Havoc District Crane (Unused) |
204 | lafire3 | Argent Tower Building #1 |
205 | lafire4 | Argent Tower Building #2 |
206 | lanewf3 | Argent Tower Building #3 |
207 | lasky1 | Argent Tower Building #4 |
208 | lasky2 | Argent Tower Building #5 |
209 | door1 | Argent Towers Door |
210 | door2 | Argent Towers Door (Set of 2) |
211 | mohot1a | Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 1/4 |
212 | mohot1b | Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 2/4 |
213 | mohot1c | Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 3/4 |
214 | mohot1d | Ebony Coast Big Building #1 Part 4/4 |
215 | mohot2a | Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 1/4 |
216 | mohot2b | Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 2/4 |
217 | mohot2c | Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 3/4 |
218 | mohot2d | Ebony Coast Big Building #2 Part 4/4 |
219 | mohot3a | Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 1/4 |
220 | mohot3b | Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 2/4 |
221 | mohot3c | Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 3/4 |
222 | mohot3d | Ebony Coast Big Building #3 Part 4/4 |
223 | head1 | Ebony Coast Island Statue #1 |
224 | head2 | Ebony Coast Island Statue #2 |
225 | head3 | Ebony Coast Island Statue #3 |
226 | head4 | Ebony Coast Island Statue #4 |
227 | mostat1 | Ebony Coast Station Building |
228 | cork1 | Ebony Coast Stone Block |
229 | ghdig1 | Pac-Truck (Red) |
230 | mocrat2 | Wood Box |
231 | ghdig2 | Pac-Truck (Blue) |
232 | ghdig3 | Pac-Truck (Green) |
233 | ghdig4 | Pac-Truck (Yellow) |
234 | modam3 | Oyster Harbor Metal Crates |
235 | cohse3 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #1 |
236 | cohse4 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #2 |
237 | cohse5 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #3 |
238 | cohse6 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #4 |
239 | cosqr1 | Ironstone Mine Donut-Building |
240 | coshd1 | Ironstone Mine Building #1 |
241 | cohut1 | Ironstone Mine Wood Huts (Set of 2) |
242 | costor2 | Ironstone Mine Wood Hut |
243 | colong2 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #5 (Triangular Shaped Roof) |
244 | cochim2 | Ironstone Mine Chimney |
245 | copit2 | Ironstone Mine Tall Building with Wheel |
246 | cosid4 | Ironstone Mine Building #2 |
247 | cofact2 | Ironstone Mine Building #3 |
248 | corail2 | Ironstone Mine Long Building #4 |
249 | spcen1 | Moon Machines Center |
250 | sparmn1 | Moon Machines Box with Pipe #1 |
251 | sparme1 | Moon Machines Box with Pipe #2 |
252 | sparmw1 | Moon Machines Box with Pipe #3 |
253 | sparms1 | Moon Machines Box with Pipe #4 |
254 | spbox1 | Moon Red Box |
255 | spsola1 | Moon Antenna #1 |
256 | spsola2 | Moon Antenna #2 |
257 | spsola3 | Moon Antenna #3 |
258 | spcons1 | Moon Boxes (Set of 4) |
259 | spcons2 | Moon Boxes (Set of 8) |
260 | spcons3 | Moon Boxes (Set of 4) |
261 | spflt1 | Moon Building |
262 | shnob1 | Shuttle Island Shuttle Bridge |
263 | destflt1 | Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 1/4 |
264 | destflt2 | Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 2/4 |
265 | desnew1 | Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 3/4 |
266 | desnew2 | Diamond Sands Big Building #1 Part 4/4 |
267 | desnew3 | Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 1/3 |
268 | desnew4 | Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 2/3 |
269 | destow1 | Diamond Sands Big Building #2 Part 3/3 |
270 | laezflat | Building |
271 | lapump1 | Gas Station (Black) |
272 | chpump1 | Gas Station (Red) |
273 | endsid1 | End Sequence Rocks #1 |
274 | endsid2 | End Sequence Rocks #2 |
275 | endsid3 | End Sequence Rocks #3 |
276 | endsid4 | End Sequence Rocks #4 |
277 | endsid5 | End Sequence Rocks #5 |